[RESOLU] [MY-AL] Appliquer des dommages

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[RESOLU] [MY-AL] Appliquer des dommages

Message par Unity911 » 19 Fév 2017 15:36

j'ai un script weapon qui applique des dommages en fonction de la distance et du réglage minDamage et maxDamage.
et j'ai un script EnemyHealth qui a une variable Healht.
Comment communiquer les dommages Raycast du script weapon au script EnemyHealth ?
quelle système je pourrais mettre en place.
je pense que sa ce situe a la ligne 770.

Script EnemyHealth:

Code : Tout sélectionner

public class EnemyHealth : MonoBehaviour {

	public float Health = 100;
	public SoundDie sounddie;
	public EnemyAIC enemyai;

	void ApplyDamage(float damage) {
		Health -= damage;

	void Start (){
		sounddie = GetComponent<SoundDie>();
		enemyai = GetComponent<EnemyAIC>();
	void  Update (){
		if(Health <= 0){
			gameObject.GetComponent<Animator> ().Play ("creature1Die");
			sounddie.enabled = true;
			enemyai.enabled = false;
			gameObject.GetComponent<CharacterController>().enabled = false;
			Dead ();
	IEnumerator Dead (){
		yield return new WaitForSeconds(5);
		Destroy (gameObject);

Script Weapon :

Code : Tout sélectionner

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using System.Collections;

/// <summary>
/// Shooting styles.
/// </summary>
public enum FireMode

/// <summary>
/// Reloading styles.
/// </summary>
public enum ReloadStyle

/// <summary>
/// How the damage will be applied? It will be affected by distance or remain constant?
/// </summary>
public enum DamageMode

/// <summary>
/// Base class of all weapons in the game.
/// </summary>
public class Weapon : MonoBehaviour
	public string weaponName = ""; // The weapon name.
    public Texture2D weaponIcon; // The weapon icon.
    public int weaponId; // The weapon id must be unique to each weapon.
    public GameObject droppablePrefab; // Droppable Prefab is the prefab that will be instantiated when you switch of weapon.
    public float weight; // The weapon weight.

    public bool melee; // Can melee?

    public CrosshairStyle crosshairStyle = CrosshairStyle.None;
    public FireMode fireMode = FireMode.Auto; // How your weapon will Fire.
    public ReloadStyle reloadStyle = ReloadStyle.Magazines; // // Weapon reload style.
	public DamageMode damageMode = DamageMode.Constant; // The weapon lose power with distance or remains constant?

    public LayerMask cullingMask = 1;  // The layers that will be affected by this weapon.

    public float fireRate = 0.5f; // The interval in seconds between each shot.
    public float shotForce = 50;  // The force applied by each shot.
    public float range = 100; // The maximum distance that your weapon can hit.

    public int pelletCount = 6; // How many bullets will be fired at a time (Shotgun only).

    public int burstCount = 3; // How many bullets per burst.

    public bool infiniteAmmo;

    public int magazineSize; // The number of bullets per magazine.
    public int numberOfMags; // The number of magazines.
    public int maxNumberOfMags; // Maximum number of magazines.

    private int magsRemaining; // Number of bullets remaining.
    private int currentAmmo; // Current number of bullets on current magazine.

    public float minDamage = 15; // Minimum damage caused by this weapon.
    public float maxDamage = 35; // Maximum damage caused by this weapon.

    public float baseSpread = 4; // Base spread.
    public float maxSpread = 6; // Maximum spread.

    public float baseSpreadCrouch = 3; // Base spread when crouched.

    public bool aimDownSights = true; // Can Aim Down Sights?

    public Vector3 aimPosition;
	public Vector3 aimRotation;

	public bool zoom = true; // Increase the camera FOV when aim?
    public int zoomFov = 50; // The FOV value when aim.
    public float aimSpeed = 10; // Camera FOV increase speed.
    public float spreadAIM = 0.4f; // Spread when aiming.

    public bool scope = false; // Weapon has riflescope?
    public RifleScope rifleScope; // RifleScope component.
    public int rifleScopeFOV = 3; // RifleScope field of view.

    public float spreadWhenMove = 2;  // Increase spread amount when moving.
    public float spreadPerShot = 2; // Increase spread amount when firing.

    private float spread; // The current value of spread.

    private float nextFireTime = 0; // Time until the next shooting (in milliseconds).
    private float nextReloadTime = 0; // Time until the next reload (in milliseconds).
    private float nextVaultTime = 0; // Time to be ready for a new jump (in milliseconds).

    private float firingTime = 0; // Time required to stabilize the weapon.

    private bool fighting; // The player is attacking?

    private bool reloading; // The weapon is reloading?

	private bool weaponActive; // The weapon is selected?
	private bool aiming; // The player is aiming?

	public bool recoil = true; // Has recoil?
	public float recoilIntensity = 0.5f; // Vertical Recoil intensity.
    public float recoilAmountAiming = 0.5f; // Vertical Recoil intensity (Aiming).

    public bool limitUpwardsRecoil; // Limit vertical recoil?
    public float maxUpwardsRecoil = 3; // Max Vertical Recoil intensity.

    public float minSidewaysRecoil = -0.5f; // Min Sideways recoil.
    public float maxSidewaysRecoil = 0.5f; // Max Sideways recoil.

    public bool weaponKickBack = false; // Apply the recoil on the weapon?

	public float weaponKick = 0.5f; // Recoil intensity.

    public float recoilTimer = 0.1f; // Recoil speed.

	public CameraAnimations cameraAnimations; // Object responsible for managing all the animations of the camera

    public MoveController controller; // Player.
    public Camera mainCamera;

	public PlayerUI UI; // User Interface.

    public BulletMarkManager bulletMark;

	public WeaponsManager weaponManager; // Weapons manager.

    public bool muzzleFlash = false; // Has Muzzle flash?
    public GameObject muzzle; // Muzzle flash Game Object.

    public bool smoke = false; // Emits smoke?
    public GameObject smokePrefab;
    public Transform smokeTransform; // Where the smoke will be instantiated?

    public bool tracer = false; // Has bullet tracer
    public GameObject tracerPrefab;
	public Transform tracerTransform; // Where the tracer will be instantiated?
    public float tracerSpeed = 200;

    public bool shell = false; // Has bullet shell
    public GameObject shellPrefab;
    public Transform shellTransform;  // Where the shell will be instantiated?
    public float delayToInstantiate = 0; // Delay to instantiate (in seconds).

    public float minEjectForce = 2; // Minimum force applied to the bullet when instantiated.
    public float maxEjectForce = 5; // Maximum force applied to the bullet when instantiated.

    /// <summary>
    /// The weapon is out of ammo?
    /// </summary>
    public bool OutOfAmmo
            return currentAmmo == 0 && magsRemaining == 0;

    /// <summary>
    /// Weapon animation component attached to this gameObject.
    /// </summary>
	private WeaponsAnimations weaponAnim
			return GetComponent<WeaponsAnimations> (); // Get the component attached in the gameObject.

    // Use this for initialization.
    private void Start ()
        if (scope)
            rifleScope.SetRifleScopeFOV(rifleScopeFOV); // Set the rifle scope camera fov.

		currentAmmo = magazineSize; // Starts current ammo with the number of bullets per magazine.
        magsRemaining = magazineSize * numberOfMags; // Number of bullets = amount of bullets per magazine * number of magazines.

    // Update is called once per frame
    private void Update ()
		if (weaponActive) // The weapon is selected?
			if (weaponAnim != null)
                // Sets the player is reloading to disable the running animation.
                weaponAnim.isReloading = reloading || nextReloadTime > Time.time;

            GetUserInput(); // Checks if the user is pressing some action key.

            // Can use items (grenade)?
            weaponManager.canUseItems = nextReloadTime < Time.time && !reloading && !aiming 
                && controller.moveState != MoveState.Running && !fighting && !controller.isClimbing && nextVaultTime < Time.time;

            if (UI != null)
				UpdateUI (); // Update the UI.

            if (aimDownSights) // Can Aim Down Sights?

            controller.canVault = nextReloadTime < Time.time && !reloading && !aiming && !fighting; // Can play the vault animation?

            cameraAnimations.isFiring = firingTime > Time.time; //The player is shooting?
            controller.isAiming = aiming; // Defines the aiming state of the player so that it moves slower and lower the the intensity of the mouse input.

    // This function is called every fixed framerate frame. It is used to play procedural animations.
    private void FixedUpdate ()
        if (weaponActive) // The weapon is selected?
            if (weaponAnim != null)
                weaponAnim.MoveAnimations(); // Play motion animation, like walk or run.
            UpdateSpread(); // Updates the weapon accuracy.
        else if (!weaponManager.canSwitch) // It's changing the weapon?
            weaponAnim.ReturnToOrigin(); // Return to the original position.
            mainCamera.fieldOfView = Mathf.Lerp(mainCamera.fieldOfView, 60, Time.deltaTime * aimSpeed); // Return camera FOV to the original value.

    /// <summary>
    /// Changes the position of the gameObject for the aiming position.
    /// </summary>
    private void AimDownSights ()
		if (aiming) // Is aiming?
            if (scope && !rifleScope.isAiming) // Activates the rifle scope to see over long distances
                rifleScope.isAiming = true;

            // Set the current position and rotation of gameObject to the aiming position and rotation. 
            transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Lerp (transform.localRotation, Quaternion.Euler (aimRotation), Time.deltaTime * aimSpeed);
			transform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp (transform.localPosition, aimPosition, Time.deltaTime * aimSpeed);

			if (zoom) 
				mainCamera.fieldOfView = Mathf.Lerp (mainCamera.fieldOfView, zoomFov, Time.deltaTime * aimSpeed); // Set camera FOV as zoom FOV.
			if (scope && rifleScope.isAiming) // Disable the rifle scope.
				rifleScope.isAiming = false;
			if (zoom) 
                mainCamera.fieldOfView = Mathf.Lerp (mainCamera.fieldOfView, 60, Time.deltaTime * aimSpeed); // Return camera FOV to the original value.

    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the spread value according to the player or weapon state (Walking, Running, Firing...).
    /// </summary>
	private void UpdateSpread ()
        spread = Mathf.Clamp (spread, spreadAIM, maxSpread); // Limits the spread value to never be higher than maxSpread and lower than spreadAIM.

        if (controller.moveState != MoveState.Idle || firingTime > Time.time) // The player is not idle or are shooting?
			if (aiming) // Is aiming?
                if (controller.isCrouched) // The player is crouched?
                    if (spread != baseSpreadCrouch) 
                        spread = Mathf.Lerp(spread, baseSpreadCrouch, 
							(firingTime > Time.time ? spreadPerShot : spreadWhenMove) * Time.deltaTime); // Changes the spread value to baseSpreadCrouch.
                    if (spread != baseSpread) 
                        spread = Mathf.Lerp(spread, baseSpread, 
							(firingTime > Time.time ? spreadPerShot : spreadWhenMove) * Time.deltaTime); // Changes the spread value to baseSpread.
                if (spread < maxSpread) 
                    spread += (firingTime > Time.time ? spreadPerShot : spreadWhenMove) * Time.deltaTime; // Changes the spread value to maxSpread.
			if (aiming) 
				if (spread != spreadAIM)  
                    spread = Mathf.Lerp(spread, spreadAIM, spreadWhenMove * Time.deltaTime); // Changes the spread value to spreadAIM.
				if (controller.isCrouched && baseSpreadCrouch != baseSpread) 
					if (spread != baseSpreadCrouch) 
                        spread = Mathf.Lerp(spread, baseSpreadCrouch, spreadWhenMove * Time.deltaTime); // Changes the spread value to baseSpreadCrouch.
					if (spread != baseSpread) 
						spread = Mathf.Lerp(spread, baseSpread, spreadWhenMove * Time.deltaTime); // Returns the spread value to the default.

    /// <summary>
    /// Checks whether the user is pressing any action key and invokes the corresponding method.
    /// Action keys: R = (Reload), Mouse1 = (Aim), F = (Melee Attack).
    /// </summary>
	private void GetUserInput ()
        // Restrictions to reload.
        bool canReload = nextReloadTime < Time.time && !reloading && currentAmmo < magazineSize && magsRemaining > 0 
            && !fighting && !controller.isClimbing && nextVaultTime < Time.time;

		if (canReload) // If there is no restriction to reload.
			if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.R))
				Reload ();

        // Restrictions to shoot.
        bool canFire = nextFireTime < Time.time && nextReloadTime < Time.time && currentAmmo >= 0 && !reloading 
            && controller.moveState != MoveState.Running && !fighting && !controller.isClimbing && nextVaultTime < Time.time;

		if (canFire) // If there is no restriction to shoot.
			if (isFiring()) // Is requesting to shoot?
                if (currentAmmo == 0 && magsRemaining > 0) // If the magazine is empty and have bullets to reload.
				    Reload ();
			    else if (currentAmmo > 0) // If the player have bullets available to shoot.
				    Shot ();
                else if (currentAmmo == 0 && magsRemaining == 0) // Out Of Ammo.
            if (reloading && reloadStyle == ReloadStyle.BulletByBullet && controller.moveState != MoveState.Running  && currentAmmo > 0)
				if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Mouse0)) // Stops Bullet By Bullet reload.
					StopCoroutine(ReloadBulletByBullet ());

        // Restrictions to aim.
        bool canAim = !reloading && aimDownSights && !fighting && !controller.isClimbing && nextVaultTime < Time.time;

		if (canAim) // If there is no restriction to aim.
			if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Mouse1) && !aiming)
				aiming = true;
			else if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Mouse1) && aiming) 
				aiming = false;
			aiming = false;

        // Restrictions to do melee attack.
        bool canMelee = melee && !reloading && !fighting && nextReloadTime < Time.time && controller.moveState != MoveState.Running 
            && !controller.isClimbing && nextVaultTime < Time.time;

        if (canMelee) // If there is no restriction to do melee attack.
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F))

    /// <summary>
    /// Return true if the user are pressing to shoot.
    /// Action keys:  Mouse0 = (Shot).
    /// </summary>
    private bool isFiring()
        if (fireMode == FireMode.Auto || fireMode == FireMode.ShotgunAuto)
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Mouse0)) // If the user hold the key to shoot.
                return true;
        else if (fireMode == FireMode.Semi || fireMode == FireMode.ShotgunSemi || fireMode == FireMode.Burst)
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse0)) // If the user press the key to shoot.
                return true;

        return false; // If the user does not press anything in the current frame, returns false.

    /// <summary>
    /// Select the type of firing of the weapon based on your fire mode.
    /// </summary>
	private void Shot ()
		if (fireMode == FireMode.Auto || fireMode == FireMode.Semi) // If the shooting style is single or automatic.
			NormalShot ();
		else if (fireMode == FireMode.ShotgunAuto || fireMode == FireMode.ShotgunSemi) // If the shooting style is shotgun.
			ShotgunShot ();
		else if (fireMode == FireMode.Burst) // If the shooting style is bursty
			BurstShot ();

    /// <summary>
    /// Fires a single shot, plays animations and applies the effects of each shot.
    /// </summary>
	private void NormalShot ()
        nextFireTime = fireRate + Time.time; // Calculate the time until the next shooting.
        firingTime = 0.1f + Time.time; // Calculates the time to stabilize the weapon.

        currentAmmo--; // Remove a bullet from current magazine.

		FireOneShot (); // Fires a bullet based on the current position and direction.

        StartCoroutine(FireEffects()); // Apply the shot effects, like muzzle flash, smoke, tracer.
        weaponAnim.PlayShotAnimation(aiming); // Play shot animation.

        PlayRecoil(); // Apply recoil.

    /// <summary>
    /// Fires several shots at once, plays animations and applies the effects of each shot.
    /// </summary>
	private void ShotgunShot ()
        nextFireTime = fireRate + Time.time; // Calculate the time until the next shooting.
        firingTime = 0.1f + Time.time; // Calculates the time to stabilize the weapon.

        currentAmmo--; // Remove a bullet from current magazine.

        for (int i = 0; i < pelletCount; i++) // Fires <pelletCount> shots at once.
            FireOneShot(); // Fires a bullet based on the current position and direction.

        StartCoroutine(FireEffects ()); // Apply the shot effects, like muzzle flash, smoke, tracer.
        weaponAnim.PlayShotAnimation(aiming); // Play shot animation.

        PlayRecoil(); // Apply recoil.

    /// <summary>
    /// Invokes the method that fires a burst of bullets.
    /// </summary>
	private void BurstShot ()
        StartCoroutine(Burst()); // Fires a burst of bullets.
        nextFireTime = fireRate + Time.time; // Calculate the time until the next shooting.

    /// <summary>
    /// Fires a burst of bullets, plays animations and applies the effects of each shot.
    /// </summary>
	private IEnumerator Burst ()
		for (int i = 0; i < burstCount; i++) // Fires a burst of bullets.
            FireOneShot(); // Fires a bullet based on the current position and direction.

            firingTime = 0.1f + Time.time; // Calculates the time to stabilize the weapon.
            currentAmmo--; // Remove a bullet from current magazine.

            StartCoroutine(FireEffects()); // Apply the shot effects, like muzzle flash, smoke, tracer.
            weaponAnim.PlayShotAnimation(aiming); // Play shot animation.

            PlayRecoil(); // Apply recoil.

            yield return new WaitForSeconds(fireRate); // Waits for the interval between shots to continue the sequence of shots.

    /// <summary>
    /// Invokes the camera's method to apply recoil in itself and in the weapon.
    /// </summary>
    private void PlayRecoil ()
        if (recoil) // Can apply recoil?
            // Invokes the camera's method.
            cameraAnimations.PlayRecoil(aiming, recoilIntensity, recoilAmountAiming, minSidewaysRecoil, maxSidewaysRecoil, recoilTimer / 10, weaponKickBack, weaponKick, limitUpwardsRecoil, maxUpwardsRecoil);

    /// <summary>
    /// Active or instantiates each effect defined in the weapon.
    /// </summary>
	private IEnumerator FireEffects ()
		if (muzzleFlash) // Has muzzle flash?
		    muzzle.SetActive(true); // Active the muzzle flash.

            muzzle.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, Random.Range(0, 360))); // Sets a random rotation.
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.03f); // Awaits the 3 millisecond interval.

            muzzle.SetActive(false); // Disable the muzzle flash.

		if (smoke) // Has smoke?
            // Instantiates smoke prefab and destroy after 2 seconds.
            GameObject s = Instantiate (smokePrefab, smokeTransform.position, smokeTransform.rotation) as GameObject;
			Destroy(s, 2);

        if (shell) // Has bullet shell?
            if (shellPrefab != null && shellTransform != null)
                yield return new WaitForSeconds(delayToInstantiate); // Delay to instantiate.

                // Instantiates a bullet shell.
                GameObject shellClone = Instantiate(shellPrefab, shellTransform.position, shellTransform.rotation) as GameObject;

                // Applies a force to launch the bullet shell.
                shellClone.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = shellClone.transform.forward * Random.Range(minEjectForce, maxEjectForce);

                // Destroy after 1 second.
                Destroy(shellClone, 1);

	/// <summary>
	/// Instantiates a bullet trail according to the direction of each bullet fired.
	/// Parameters: The bullet direction and the tracer life time.
	/// </summary>
	private void Tracer (Vector3 direction, float tracerLifeTime)
		if (tracer) // Has tracer?
            // Instantiates the tracer.
            GameObject t = Instantiate(tracerPrefab, tracerTransform.position, tracerTransform.parent.rotation) as GameObject;
			t.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = direction * tracerSpeed; // Applies a force to follow the bullet's trajectory.
            Destroy(t, tracerLifeTime); // Destroys after a defined time.

    /// <summary>
    /// A melee attack is an attack that is short-range. It is a secondary attack.
    /// Action key: F = (attack).
    /// </summary>
    private IEnumerator MeleeAttack ()
        fighting = true; // Activates the attacking state.

        weaponAnim.PlayMeleeAnimation(); // Play melee attack animation.

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); // Wait 0.1 seconds before applying the damage or force.

        Vector3 direction = mainCamera.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward); // The direction that the player is looking.
        Vector3 origin = mainCamera.transform.position; // Weapon position.

        Ray ray = new Ray(origin, direction); // Creates a ray starting at origin along direction.
        RaycastHit hitInfo; // Structure used to get information back from a raycast.
        if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo, 2)) // Checks whether the ray intersects something.
            if (hitInfo.collider.GetComponent<Rigidbody>() != null) // If hit a rigidbody applies force to push.
                hitInfo.collider.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(direction * 10, ForceMode.Impulse);

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(weaponAnim.GetMeleeTime() - 0.1f); // Awaits the animation finish to disable the attack state.
        fighting = false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Select the type of reload of the weapon based on your reload style.
    /// </summary>
    private void Reload ()
		if (reloadStyle == ReloadStyle.Magazines) // If the reload style is by magazines.
		else if (reloadStyle == ReloadStyle.BulletByBullet) // If the reload style is bullet by bullet.

    /// <summary>
    /// Reloads the gun by adding a bullet at a time.
    /// </summary>
	private IEnumerator ReloadBulletByBullet ()
		reloading = true; // Activates the reload state.

        weaponAnim.PlayStartReload(); // Play reload animation.
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(weaponAnim.GetStartReloadTime()); // Wait until the start reload animation finish.

        // While the amount of bullets is less than the magazine size and have bullets to reload.
        while ((currentAmmo < magazineSize && magsRemaining > 0) && reloading)
			weaponAnim.PlayInsert(); // Play insert bullet animation.
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(weaponAnim.GetInsertTime() / 2);

			if (reloading) // If is reloading.
				currentAmmo++; // Add a bullet to the weapons.
				if (!infiniteAmmo) magsRemaining--; // Remove a bullet from magazines.

			yield return new WaitForSeconds(weaponAnim.GetInsertTime() / 2);
		if (reloading) // If is reloading.
            // Stop reloading and play stop reload animation.
			StopCoroutine(ReloadBulletByBullet ());

    /// <summary>
    /// Plays stop reloading animation.
    /// </summary>
	private IEnumerator StopReloadBulletByBullet ()
		nextReloadTime = weaponAnim.GetStopReloadTime() + Time.time; // Calculate the time until the next reload.
        reloading = false; // Disable the reload state.

        weaponAnim.PlayStopReload(); // Play stop reload animation.
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(weaponAnim.GetStopReloadTime());

    /// <summary>
    /// Change the current magazine by a new.
    /// </summary>
	private IEnumerator ReloadMagazines ()
		reloading = true; // Activates the reload state.

        weaponAnim.PlayReloadAnimation (currentAmmo == 0); // Play reload animation based on current amount of bullets.

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(weaponAnim.GetReloadTime(currentAmmo == 0));  // Wait until the reload animation finish.

        if (weaponActive) // The weapon is selected?
			if (!infiniteAmmo) // If do not have infinite bullets.
				if (currentAmmo + magsRemaining > magazineSize) // Have enough bullets for a full magazine?
					magsRemaining -= magazineSize - currentAmmo; // Calculate the bullet number that can be removed from the magazine.
                    currentAmmo = magazineSize;
					currentAmmo += magsRemaining; // If do not have enough bullets to fill the magazine, just sum the remaining amount in the current.
                    magsRemaining = 0; // Set as 0 the number of bullets available.
				currentAmmo = magazineSize; // If have infinite bullets, just fill the magazine.
		reloading = false; // Disable the reload state.

    /// <summary>
    /// Updates the weapon information on the UI.
    /// </summary>
	private void UpdateUI ()
        UI.SetWeaponIcon (weaponIcon); // Sets the weapon icon.
        UI.ShowCrosshair (!aiming); // Displays the crosshairs if not aiming.
        UI.SetCrosshairType (crosshairStyle); // Sets the crosshair style.
        UI.SetCrosshairColor (TargetInfo ()); // Sets the crosshair color.
        UI.SetSpread (spread / 10); // Update current spread.

        // If is not reloading, displays the amount of bullets.
        if (!reloading || reloadStyle == ReloadStyle.BulletByBullet)
			UI.SetWeaponProperties (currentAmmo, magazineSize, infiniteAmmo ? 999 : magsRemaining);

    /// <summary>
    /// Calculates where each bullet will hit, instantiates a bullet mark on the surface that the bullet hits.
    /// </summary>
	private void FireOneShot ()
		Vector3 direction = mainCamera.transform.TransformDirection(ShotDirection ()); // Bullet direction.
		Vector3 origin = mainCamera.transform.position; // Bullet origin.

		Ray ray = new Ray (origin, direction); // Creates a ray starting at origin along direction.
        RaycastHit hitInfo; // Structure used to get information back from a raycast.
		float tracerLifeTime = 2; // Initial duration of each bullet tracer.

        if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo, range, cullingMask)) // Checks whether the ray intersects something.
            // Get the surface type of the object.
            SurfaceType surface = hitInfo.collider.GetComponent<Surface>() != null 
                ? hitInfo.collider.GetComponent<Surface>().GetSurface(hitInfo.point, hitInfo.collider.gameObject) : SurfaceType.Default;

            // Instantiates a bullet mark on the position.
            bulletMark.Instantiate(surface, hitInfo.point, Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, hitInfo.normal), hitInfo.transform);

            if (hitInfo.collider.GetComponent<Rigidbody>() != null) // If hit a rigidbody applies force to push.
                hitInfo.collider.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce (direction * shotForce, ForceMode.Impulse);

            // Calculates the tracer lifetime according to the distance traveled by each bullet.
            tracerLifeTime = hitInfo.distance / tracerSpeed;

        // If the tracer lifetime is greater than 0.1 sec
        if (tracerLifeTime > 0.1f)
			Tracer(direction, tracerLifeTime);

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the damage value of each bullet.
    /// Parameters: The distance traveled by each bullet.
    /// </summary>
    private float GetWeaponDamage (float distance)
        // Calculates damage randomly between the minimum and the maximum value based on the distance.
        return damageMode == DamageMode.Constant ? Random.Range(minDamage, maxDamage) : Random.Range(minDamage, maxDamage) * (1 - (distance / range));


    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the direction of each bullet.
    /// </summary>
	private Vector3 ShotDirection ()
		float x = Random.Range (-0.01f, 0.01f) * spread / 1.5f; // Horizontal variation
        float y = Random.Range (-0.01f, 0.01f) * spread / 1.5f; // Vertical variation
		return new Vector3 (x, y, 1); // Returns a vector with random values based on the current spread.

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns a different color if the weapon is pointed to a object with a specific tag.
    /// Colors: White = Default, Red = Enemy, Black = Explosive.
    /// </summary>
	private Color TargetInfo ()
		Vector3 direction = mainCamera.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward); // 
		Vector3 origin = mainCamera.transform.position; // Weapon postion.

        Ray ray = new Ray (origin, direction); // Creates a ray starting at origin along direction.
        RaycastHit hitInfo; // Structure used to get information back from a raycast.

        if (Physics.Raycast (ray, out hitInfo, range, cullingMask)) // Checks whether the ray intersects something.
			if (hitInfo.collider.tag == "Enemy") // If aim at an enemy.
                return Color.red;
			if (hitInfo.collider.tag == "Explosive") // If aim at an explosive.
                return Color.black;
			else // Default = white.
				return Color.white;
			return Color.white; // If not aiming at anything, returns the default color.

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the time taken to run the Hide animation.
    /// </summary>
	public float GetHideTime ()
		return weaponAnim.GetHideTime ();

    /// <summary>
    /// Invokes the method to select the weapon.
    /// </summary>
	public void Select ()
		StartCoroutine (DrawWeapon ());

    /// <summary>
    /// Select the gun and enables the renders to show the weapon.
    /// </summary>
    private IEnumerator DrawWeapon ()
		DisableRenders (false); // Enables the weapon renders.
        weaponAnim.PlayDrawAnimation (); // Play draw animation.
		yield return new WaitForSeconds(weaponAnim.GetDrawTime()); // Wait for the draw animation finish.
        weaponManager.ready = true; // Ready to change weapon again.
        weaponActive = true; // Enable the gun for use.

    /// <summary>
    /// Disable the weapon instantly.
    /// </summary>
	public void FastDeselect()
        UI.ShowCrosshair(false); // Hide the crosshair.

        // Hold in fire position.
        aiming = false;
        controller.isAiming = false;
        controller.canVault = false;

        // Stop all weapon functions.
        cameraAnimations.isFiring = false;
        reloading = false;
        weaponActive = false;

        weaponManager.ready = false;
        controller.canVault = false;
        DisableRenders(true); // Disable the weapon renders.

    /// <summary>
    /// Deselects the weapon and disables their functions.
    /// </summary>
	public void Deselect ()
		UI.ShowCrosshair (false); // Hide the crosshair.

        // Hold in fire position.
        aiming = false;
		controller.isAiming = false;
        controller.canVault = false;

        // Stop all weapon functions.
        cameraAnimations.isFiring = false;
		reloading = false;
		weaponActive = false;
		StartCoroutine (DeselectWeapon ()); // Invoke the method that will disable the weapon and renders.

    /// <summary>
    /// Disables all functions and plays hide the gun animation.
    /// </summary>
	private IEnumerator DeselectWeapon ()
        // Stop all weapon functions.

		weaponAnim.PlayHideAnimation (); // Play hide animation.
		yield return new WaitForSeconds(weaponAnim.GetHideTime()); // Wait until hide animation finish.
        weaponManager.ready = false; // Weapon Manager is not ready to change weapon.
        DisableRenders (true); // Disable the weapon renders.

    /// <summary>
    /// Enable or Disable all object renders including children.
    /// Parameters: The renderer state (true or false).
    /// </summary>
    public void DisableRenders (bool state)
        // For each object that has a renderer inside the weapon gameObject.
        foreach (Renderer m in GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>())
			m.enabled = !state; // Enable or disable the renderer.
            m.shadowCastingMode = ShadowCastingMode.Off; // Prevents the weapon produces shadows to avoid ghosts weapons bugs.

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the time taken to play the Vault animation.
    /// </summary>
    public float GetVaultTime ()
        return weaponAnim.GetVaultTime();

    /// <summary>
    /// Play vault animation.
    /// </summary>
    public void Vault (bool climb)
        nextVaultTime = Time.time + weaponAnim.GetVaultTime(); // Calculate the time until the next jump.
        weaponAnim.PlayVaultAnimation(climb); // Play vault animation.
Dernière édition par Unity911 le 22 Fév 2017 21:05, édité 1 fois.

Messages : 166
Inscription : 05 Mai 2015 01:51

Re: MY-AL Appliquer des dommages

Message par nigel » 20 Fév 2017 10:30

Tu peux facilement trouver la reponse avec Google, en gros tu récupère l'instance de ton gameObject avec le test de collision, puis le script avec getComponent() et voila.
Sinon tu peux essayer avec OncollisionEnter() sur le script de ton enemy qui reçoit le raycast ca devrait fonctionner.
Ton script de presque 1000 lignes c'est pas normal du tout
ça explose -> Atomic Command
ca vole -> Long Range Black Cat

Messages : 24
Inscription : 08 Fév 2017 01:28

Re: MY-AL Appliquer des dommages

Message par Unity911 » 20 Fév 2017 21:39

le problème c'est que les balles n'enlèvent pas les même point de vie
sa varie en fonction de la distance de tir
je veux garder ce parametre

Messages : 38
Inscription : 17 Juin 2016 20:34

Re: MY-AL Appliquer des dommages

Message par zebilamouche » 21 Fév 2017 15:20

ton deuxième code est trop long pour qu'on s'y retrouve, montre nous juste les fonctions essentiels pour qu'on comprenne quelque-chose ^^

Sinon si j'ai bien compris, tu n'arrives pas à récupérer le script du joueur qui se reçoit la balle, pour ça tu devras operer de cette manière (ce n'est qu'un exemple, je n'ai pas repris tes variables) :

Code : Tout sélectionner

RaycastHit hit; // Servira a récuperer les component du joueur touché.
		if  (Physic.Raycast (position du joueur, direction du joueur, out hit, distance maximum)) {
			if (hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<Joueur> ()) { // Si hit (le collider que le RayCast aura touché) contient le script Joueur
				float distance = Vector3.Distance(position du joueur, hit.collider.transform.position); // Calcul la distance entre les deux joueurs et place le résultat dans un float.
				hit.collider.GetComponent<Joueur>().vie -= (distance * degats); // Enleve (distance*dégâts) de vie à la cible.

Messages : 24
Inscription : 08 Fév 2017 01:28

Re: MY-AL Appliquer des dommages

Message par Unity911 » 21 Fév 2017 23:48

c'est trop compliqué comme system.
j'ai finalement mis seulement une valeur(maxDamage) qui ne décroit pas en fonction de la distance.
merci quand même pour votre aide.

j'avais 2 valeurs minDamage = 15 et maxDamage = 35 (les dégâts).
et les dégâts finaux était calculé de façon aléatoire en fonction de la distance:

Code : Tout sélectionner

public enum DamageMode

Code : Tout sélectionner

public DamageMode damageMode = DamageMode.Constant; // The weapon lose power with distance or remains constant?

Code : Tout sélectionner

private float GetWeaponDamage (float distance)
return damageMode == DamageMode.Constant ? Random.Range(minDamage, maxDamage) : Random.Range(minDamage, maxDamage) * (1 - (distance / range));}
Moi j'ai ajouter un ligne simple a ma fonction avec seulement maxDamage :

Code : Tout sélectionner

private void FireOneShot ()
		Vector3 direction = mainCamera.transform.TransformDirection(ShotDirection ()); // Bullet direction.
		Vector3 origin = mainCamera.transform.position; // Bullet origin.

		Ray ray = new Ray (origin, direction); // Creates a ray starting at origin along direction.
        RaycastHit hitInfo; // Structure used to get information back from a raycast.
		float tracerLifeTime = 2; // Initial duration of each bullet tracer.
        var Enemys = false;
        if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo, range, cullingMask)) // Checks whether the ray intersects something.
            if (hitInfo.collider.tag == "Enemy") // Apply damage to enemy.
                hitInfo.collider.SendMessageUpwards("EnemyDamage", maxDamage, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
                Enemys = true;
            // Get the surface type of the object.
            SurfaceType surface = hitInfo.collider.GetComponent<Surface>() != null
                ? hitInfo.collider.GetComponent<Surface>().GetSurface(hitInfo.point, hitInfo.collider.gameObject) : SurfaceType.Default;

            // Instantiates a bullet mark on the position.
            if (Enemys == false) { 

            bulletMark.Instantiate(surface, hitInfo.point, Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, hitInfo.normal), hitInfo.transform);

            if (hitInfo.collider.GetComponent<Rigidbody>() != null) // If hit a rigidbody applies force to push.
                hitInfo.collider.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(direction * shotForce, ForceMode.Impulse);

            // Calculates the tracer lifetime according to the distance traveled by each bullet.
            tracerLifeTime = hitInfo.distance / tracerSpeed;

        // If the tracer lifetime is greater than 0.1 sec
        if (tracerLifeTime > 0.1f)
			Tracer(direction, tracerLifeTime);


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