Mise à jour Unity Iphone 1.7

La nouvelle version de Unity Iphone est sortie et est disponible à cette adresse.

Outre la possibilité de développer pour l’Ipad, voici les principales features :


  • Enables iPad deployment for both Unity iPhone Basic and Unity iPhone Advanced.
  • Adds iPad Simulator support so you can develop iPad apps even if you do not have the hardware yet.
  • Added universal application support so you can make apps that work both on iPad and iPhone.

Additional Features and Improvements

  • Apple iPad target, icon and splash screen can be chosen in Player Settings.
  • 3:4 and 4:3 aspect ratios can be used to prepare your game for iPad.
  • Native plugins are supported in iPad Simulator.

Bug Fixes

  • System.xml can now be used with iPhone Basic license.
  • Fixed static batching to correctly treat multiple materials in the source meshes.

Known Issues

  • Unity iPhone Remote does not work on iPad.
  • Unity iPhone Remote does not support iPad resolution emulation in Unity iPhone Editor.
  • Video playback is always portrait on iPad (possible workaround is to use rotated video).
  • Audio playback is problematic in iPad Simulator (most probably iPad Simulator bug).
  • Xcode shows a lot of harmless warnings.


bla bla bla

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1 réponse

  1. avatar giyomu dit :

    toujours le premier sur les bons coup krys ^^..tu as vu ca change tout cet reso ipad XD hehe..bon bah y a plus qu a tester ca sur le simulator XD

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