[RESOLU] [DB-AL] Je n'arrive pas à ajouté des variables dans le debug ni à les utilisés dans le script !

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Messages : 47
Inscription : 21 Fév 2018 23:04
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[RESOLU] [DB-AL] Je n'arrive pas à ajouté des variables dans le debug ni à les utilisés dans le script !

Message par Autodidactelife » 29 Août 2018 20:32

Bonjour à tous !

J'essaye d'utiliser le script weapon de l'asset suivant: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/? ... tent/19365

Et je n'arrive pas du tout à ajouté des variables je met une variable public par exemple:

Code : Tout sélectionner

public Animator anim;
Ni la variable est dans le debugger ni utilisable.
Je viens implorer votre pitié et votre aide pour m'apprendre comment est structuré son script. (En sois le script je le comprends, c'est la façon dont sont rattaché les variables, j'aimerais ajouter une animation mais impossible.)

Merchi d'avance ! :hello:

Edit: Je parles du script "weapon.cs" qui est sur l'arme et il y à aussi le script "WeaponSystem.cs" sur l'objet.
Dernière édition par Autodidactelife le 30 Août 2018 19:15, édité 1 fois.

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Re: [DB-AL] Je n'arrive pas à ajouté des variables dans le debug ni à les utilisés dans le script !

Message par boubouk50 » 30 Août 2018 12:50

L'asset étant gratuit, tu peux coller les codes dans ton post
"Ce n'est pas en améliorant la bougie, que l'on a inventé l'ampoule, c'est en marchant longtemps."
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Messages : 47
Inscription : 21 Fév 2018 23:04
Localisation : France

Re: [DB-AL] Je n'arrive pas à ajouté des variables dans le debug ni à les utilisés dans le script !

Message par Autodidactelife » 30 Août 2018 13:25

Oui mais le soucis c'est comme justement je ne sais pas d'où ça vient et que niveau script je ne vois pas je soupçonne que ça peut venir d'ailleurs ^^' je mets quand même les 2 scripts qui sont dessus, ils sont assez big.

Code : Tout sélectionner

/// <summary>
/// Weapon.cs
/// Author: MutantGopher
/// This is the core script that is used to create weapons.  There are 3 basic
/// types of weapons that can be made with this script:
/// Raycast - Uses raycasting to make instant hits where the weapon is pointed starting at
/// the position of raycastStartSpot
/// Projectile - Instantiates projectiles and lets them handle things like damage and accuracy.
/// Beam - Uses line renderers to create a beam effect.  This applies damage and force on 
/// every frame in small amounts, rather than all at once.  The beam type is limited by a
/// heat variable (similar to ammo for raycast and projectile) unless otherwise specified.
/// </summary>

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public enum WeaponType
public enum Auto
public enum BulletHoleSystem

public class SmartBulletHoleGroup
	public string tag;
	public Material material;
	public PhysicMaterial physicMaterial;
	public BulletHolePool bulletHole;
	public SmartBulletHoleGroup()
		tag = "Everything";
		material = null;
		physicMaterial = null;
		bulletHole = null;
	public SmartBulletHoleGroup(string t, Material m, PhysicMaterial pm, BulletHolePool bh)
		tag = t;
		material = m;
		physicMaterial = pm;
		bulletHole = bh;

// The Weapon class itself handles the weapon mechanics
public class Weapon : MonoBehaviour
	// Weapon Type
	public WeaponType type = WeaponType.Projectile;		// Which weapon system should be used
	// External Tools
	public bool shooterAIEnabled = false;				// Enable features compatible with Shooter AI by Gateway Games
	public bool bloodyMessEnabled = false;				// Enable features compatible with Bloody Mess by Heavy Diesel Softworks
	public int weaponType = 0;							// Bloody mess property

	// Auto
	public Auto auto = Auto.Full;						// How does this weapon fire - semi-auto or full-auto

	// General
	public bool playerWeapon = true;					// Whether or not this is a player's weapon as opposed to an AI's weapon
	public GameObject weaponModel;						// The actual mesh for this weapon
	public Transform raycastStartSpot;					// The spot that the raycasting weapon system should use as an origin for rays
	public float delayBeforeFire = 0.0f;				// An optional delay that causes the weapon to fire a specified amount of time after it normally would (0 for no delay)

	// Warmup
	public bool warmup = false;							// Whether or not the shot will be allowed to "warmup" before firing - allows power to increase when the player holds down fire button longer
														// Only works on semi-automatic raycast and projectile weapons
	public float maxWarmup = 2.0f;						// The maximum amount of time a warmup can have any effect on power, etc.
	public bool multiplyForce = true;					// Whether or not the initial force of the projectile should be multiplied based on warmup heat value - only for projectiles
	public bool multiplyPower = false;					// Whether or not the damage of the projectile should be multiplied based on warmup heat value - only for projectiles
														// Also only has an effect on projectiles using the direct damage system - an example would be an arrow that causes more damage the longer you pull back your bow
	public float powerMultiplier = 1.0f;				// The multiplier by which the warmup can affect weapon power; power = power * (heat * powerMultiplier)
	public float initialForceMultiplier = 1.0f;			// The multiplier by which the warmup can affect the initial force, assuming a projectile system
	public bool allowCancel = false;					// If true, the player can cancel this warmed up shot by pressing the "Cancel" input button, otherwise a shot will be fired when the player releases the fire key
	private float heat = 0.0f;							// The amount of time the weapon has been warming up, can be in the range of (0, maxWarmup)

	// Projectile
	public GameObject projectile;						// The projectile to be launched (if the type is projectile)
	public Transform projectileSpawnSpot;				// The spot where the projectile should be instantiated

	// Beam
	public bool reflect = true;							// Whether or not the laser beam should reflect off of certain surfaces
	public Material reflectionMaterial;					// The material that reflects the laser.  If this is null, the laser will reflect off all surfaces
	public int maxReflections = 5;						// The maximum number of times the laser beam can reflect off surfaces.  Without this limit, the system can possibly become stuck in an infinite loop
	public string beamTypeName = "laser_beam";			// This is the name that will be used as the name of the instantiated beam effect.  It is not necessary.
	public float maxBeamHeat = 1.0f;					// The time, in seconds, that the beam will last
	public bool infiniteBeam = false;					// If this is true the beam will never overheat (equivalent to infinite ammo)
	public Material beamMaterial;						// The material that will be used in the beam (line renderer.)  This should be a particle material
	public Color beamColor = Color.red;					// The color that will be used to tint the beam material
	public float startBeamWidth = 0.5f;					// The width of the beam on the starting side
	public float endBeamWidth = 1.0f;					// The width of the beam on the ending side
	private float beamHeat = 0.0f;						// Timer to keep track of beam warmup and cooldown
	private bool coolingDown = false;					// Whether or not the beam weapon is currently cooling off.  This is used to make sure the weapon isn't fired when it's too close to the maximum heat level
	private GameObject beamGO;							// The reference to the instantiated beam GameObject
	private bool beaming = false;						// Whether or not the weapon is currently firing a beam - used to make sure StopBeam() is called after the beam is no longer being fired

	// Power
	public float power = 80.0f;							// The amount of power this weapon has (how much damage it can cause) (if the type is raycast or beam)
	public float forceMultiplier = 10.0f;				// Multiplier used to change the amount of force applied to rigid bodies that are shot
	public float beamPower = 1.0f;						// Used to determine damage caused by beam weapons.  This will be much lower because this amount is applied to the target every frame while firing

	// Range
	public float range = 9999.0f;						// How far this weapon can shoot (for raycast and beam)

	// Rate of Fire
	public float rateOfFire = 10;						// The number of rounds this weapon fires per second
	private float actualROF;							// The frequency between shots based on the rateOfFire
	private float fireTimer;							// Timer used to fire at a set frequency

	// Ammo
	public bool infiniteAmmo = false;					// Whether or not this weapon should have unlimited ammo
	public int ammoCapacity = 12;						// The number of rounds this weapon can fire before it has to reload
	public int shotPerRound = 1;						// The number of "bullets" that will be fired on each round.  Usually this will be 1, but set to a higher number for things like shotguns with spread
	private int currentAmmo;							// How much ammo the weapon currently has
	public float reloadTime = 2.0f;						// How much time it takes to reload the weapon
	public bool showCurrentAmmo = true;					// Whether or not the current ammo should be displayed in the GUI
	public bool reloadAutomatically = true;				// Whether or not the weapon should reload automatically when out of ammo

	// Accuracy
	public float accuracy = 80.0f;						// How accurate this weapon is on a scale of 0 to 100
	private float currentAccuracy;						// Holds the current accuracy.  Used for varying accuracy based on speed, etc.
	public float accuracyDropPerShot = 1.0f;			// How much the accuracy will decrease on each shot
	public float accuracyRecoverRate = 0.1f;			// How quickly the accuracy recovers after each shot (value between 0 and 1)

	// Burst
	public int burstRate = 3;							// The number of shots fired per each burst
	public float burstPause = 0.0f;						// The pause time between bursts
	private int burstCounter = 0;						// Counter to keep track of how many shots have been fired per burst
	private float burstTimer = 0.0f;					// Timer to keep track of how long the weapon has paused between bursts

	// Recoil
	public bool recoil = true;							// Whether or not this weapon should have recoil
	public float recoilKickBackMin = 0.1f;				// The minimum distance the weapon will kick backward when fired
	public float recoilKickBackMax = 0.3f;				// The maximum distance the weapon will kick backward when fired
	public float recoilRotationMin = 0.1f;				// The minimum rotation the weapon will kick when fired
	public float recoilRotationMax = 0.25f;				// The maximum rotation the weapon will kick when fired
	public float recoilRecoveryRate = 0.01f;			// The rate at which the weapon recovers from the recoil displacement

	// Effects
	public bool spitShells = false;						// Whether or not this weapon should spit shells out of the side
	public GameObject shell;							// A shell prop to spit out the side of the weapon
	public float shellSpitForce = 1.0f;					// The force with which shells will be spit out of the weapon
	public float shellForceRandom = 0.5f;				// The variant by which the spit force can change + or - for each shot
	public float shellSpitTorqueX = 0.0f;				// The torque with which the shells will rotate on the x axis
	public float shellSpitTorqueY = 0.0f;				// The torque with which the shells will rotate on the y axis
	public float shellTorqueRandom = 1.0f;				// The variant by which the spit torque can change + or - for each shot
	public Transform shellSpitPosition;					// The spot where the weapon should spit shells from
	public bool makeMuzzleEffects = true;				// Whether or not the weapon should make muzzle effects
    public GameObject[] muzzleEffects = 
        new GameObject[] {null};			            // Effects to appear at the muzzle of the gun (muzzle flash, smoke, etc.)
	public Transform muzzleEffectsPosition;				// The spot where the muzzle effects should appear from
	public bool makeHitEffects = true;					// Whether or not the weapon should make hit effects
	public GameObject[] hitEffects =
        new GameObject[] {null};						// Effects to be displayed where the "bullet" hit

	// Bullet Holes
	public bool makeBulletHoles = true;					// Whether or not bullet holes should be made
	public BulletHoleSystem bhSystem = BulletHoleSystem.Tag;	// What condition the dynamic bullet holes should be based off
	public List<string> bulletHolePoolNames = new
		List<string>();									// A list of strings holding the names of bullet hole pools in the scene
	public List<string> defaultBulletHolePoolNames =
		new List<string>();								// A list of strings holding the names of default bullet hole pools in the scene
	public List<SmartBulletHoleGroup> bulletHoleGroups =
		new List<SmartBulletHoleGroup>();				// A list of bullet hole groups.  Each one holds a tag for GameObjects that might be hit, as well as a corresponding bullet hole
    public List<BulletHolePool> defaultBulletHoles = 
        new List<BulletHolePool>();                     // A list of default bullet holes to be instantiated when none of the custom parameters are met
	public List<SmartBulletHoleGroup> bulletHoleExceptions =
		new List<SmartBulletHoleGroup>();				// A list of SmartBulletHoleGroup objects that defines conditions for when no bullet hole will be instantiated.
														// In other words, the bullet holes in the defaultBulletHoles list will be instantiated on any surface except for
														// the ones specified in this list.

	// Crosshairs
	public bool showCrosshair = true;					// Whether or not the crosshair should be displayed
	public Texture2D crosshairTexture;					// The texture used to draw the crosshair
	public int crosshairLength = 10;					// The length of each crosshair line
	public int crosshairWidth = 4;						// The width of each crosshair line
	public float startingCrosshairSize = 10.0f;			// The gap of space (in pixels) between the crosshair lines (for weapon inaccuracy)
	private float currentCrosshairSize;					// The gap of space between crosshair lines that is updated based on weapon accuracy in realtime

	// Audio
	public AudioClip fireSound;							// Sound to play when the weapon is fired
	public AudioClip reloadSound;						// Sound to play when the weapon is reloading
	public AudioClip dryFireSound;						// Sound to play when the user tries to fire but is out of ammo

	// Other
	private bool canFire = true;						// Whether or not the weapon can currently fire (used for semi-auto weapons)

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start()
		// Calculate the actual ROF to be used in the weapon systems.  The rateOfFire variable is
		// designed to make it easier on the user - it represents the number of rounds to be fired
		// per second.  Here, an actual ROF decimal value is calculated that can be used with timers.
		if (rateOfFire != 0)
			actualROF = 1.0f / rateOfFire;
			actualROF = 0.01f;
		// Initialize the current crosshair size variable to the starting value specified by the user
		currentCrosshairSize = startingCrosshairSize;

		// Make sure the fire timer starts at 0
		fireTimer = 0.0f;

		// Start the weapon off with a full magazine
		currentAmmo = ammoCapacity;

		// Give this weapon an audio source component if it doesn't already have one
		if (GetComponent<AudioSource>() == null)

        // Make sure raycastStartSpot isn't null
        if (raycastStartSpot == null)
            raycastStartSpot = gameObject.transform;

        // Make sure muzzleEffectsPosition isn't null
        if (muzzleEffectsPosition == null)
            muzzleEffectsPosition = gameObject.transform;

        // Make sure projectileSpawnSpot isn't null
        if (projectileSpawnSpot == null)
            projectileSpawnSpot = gameObject.transform;

        // Make sure weaponModel isn't null
        if (weaponModel == null)
            weaponModel = gameObject;

        // Make sure crosshairTexture isn't null
        if (crosshairTexture == null)
            crosshairTexture = new Texture2D(0, 0);

		// Initialize the bullet hole pools list
		for (int i = 0; i < bulletHolePoolNames.Count; i++)
			GameObject g = GameObject.Find(bulletHolePoolNames[i]);

			if (g != null && g.GetComponent<BulletHolePool>() != null)
				bulletHoleGroups[i].bulletHole = g.GetComponent<BulletHolePool>();
				Debug.LogWarning("Bullet Hole Pool does not exist or does not have a BulletHolePool component.  Please assign GameObjects in the inspector that have the BulletHolePool component.");
		// Initialize the default bullet hole pools list
		for (int i = 0; i < defaultBulletHolePoolNames.Count; i++)
			GameObject g = GameObject.Find(defaultBulletHolePoolNames[i]);

			if (g.GetComponent<BulletHolePool>() != null)
				defaultBulletHoles[i] = g.GetComponent<BulletHolePool>();
				Debug.LogWarning("Default Bullet Hole Pool does not have a BulletHolePool component.  Please assign GameObjects in the inspector that have the BulletHolePool component.");
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update()
		// Calculate the current accuracy for this weapon
		currentAccuracy = Mathf.Lerp(currentAccuracy, accuracy, accuracyRecoverRate * Time.deltaTime);

		// Calculate the current crosshair size.  This is what causes the crosshairs to grow and shrink dynamically while shooting
		currentCrosshairSize = startingCrosshairSize + (accuracy - currentAccuracy) * 0.8f;

		// Update the fireTimer
		fireTimer += Time.deltaTime;

		// CheckForUserInput() handles the firing based on user input
		if (playerWeapon)

		// Reload if the weapon is out of ammo
		if (reloadAutomatically && currentAmmo <= 0)

		// Recoil Recovery
		if (playerWeapon && recoil && type != WeaponType.Beam)
			weaponModel.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(weaponModel.transform.position, transform.position, recoilRecoveryRate * Time.deltaTime);
			weaponModel.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(weaponModel.transform.rotation, transform.rotation, recoilRecoveryRate * Time.deltaTime);

		// Make sure StopBeam() is called when the weapon is no longer firing a beam (calling the Beam() method)
		if (type == WeaponType.Beam)
			if (!beaming)
			beaming = false;	// The beaming variable is set to true every frame that the Beam() method is called

	// Checks for user input to use the weapons - only if this weapon is player-controlled
	void CheckForUserInput()

		// Fire if this is a raycast type weapon and the user presses the fire button
		if (type == WeaponType.Raycast)
			if (fireTimer >= actualROF && burstCounter < burstRate && canFire)
				if (Input.GetButton("Fire1"))
					if (!warmup)	// Normal firing when the user holds down the fire button
					else if (heat < maxWarmup)	// Otherwise just add to the warmup until the user lets go of the button
						heat += Time.deltaTime;
				if (warmup && Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1"))
					if (allowCancel && Input.GetButton("Cancel"))
						heat = 0.0f;
		// Launch a projectile if this is a projectile type weapon and the user presses the fire button
		if (type == WeaponType.Projectile)
			if (fireTimer >= actualROF && burstCounter < burstRate && canFire)
				if (Input.GetButton("Fire1"))
					if (!warmup)	// Normal firing when the user holds down the fire button
					else if (heat < maxWarmup)	// Otherwise just add to the warmup until the user lets go of the button
						heat += Time.deltaTime;
				if (warmup && Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1"))
					if (allowCancel && Input.GetButton("Cancel"))
						heat = 0.0f;

		// Reset the Burst
		if (burstCounter >= burstRate)
			burstTimer += Time.deltaTime;
			if (burstTimer >= burstPause)
				burstCounter = 0;
				burstTimer = 0.0f;
		// Shoot a beam if this is a beam type weapon and the user presses the fire button
		if (type == WeaponType.Beam)
			if (Input.GetButton("Fire1") && beamHeat <= maxBeamHeat && !coolingDown)
				// Stop the beaming
			if (beamHeat >= maxBeamHeat)
				coolingDown = true;
			else if (beamHeat <= maxBeamHeat - (maxBeamHeat / 2))
				coolingDown = false;

		// Reload if the "Reload" button is pressed
		if (Input.GetButtonDown("Reload"))

		// If the weapon is semi-auto and the user lets up on the button, set canFire to true
		if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1"))
			canFire = true;

	// A public method that causes the weapon to fire - can be called from other scripts - calls AI Firing for now
	public void RemoteFire()

	// Determines when the AI can be firing
	public void AIFiring()

		// Fire if this is a raycast type weapon
		if (type == WeaponType.Raycast)
			if (fireTimer >= actualROF && burstCounter < burstRate && canFire)
				StartCoroutine(DelayFire());	// Fires after the amount of time specified in delayBeforeFire
		// Launch a projectile if this is a projectile type weapon
		if (type == WeaponType.Projectile)
			if (fireTimer >= actualROF && canFire)
		// Reset the Burst
		if (burstCounter >= burstRate)
			burstTimer += Time.deltaTime;
			if (burstTimer >= burstPause)
				burstCounter = 0;
				burstTimer = 0.0f;
		// Shoot a beam if this is a beam type weapon
		if (type == WeaponType.Beam)
			if (beamHeat <= maxBeamHeat && !coolingDown)
				// Stop the beaming
			if (beamHeat >= maxBeamHeat)
				coolingDown = true;
			else if (beamHeat <= maxBeamHeat - (maxBeamHeat / 2))
				coolingDown = false;

	IEnumerator DelayFire()
		// Reset the fire timer to 0 (for ROF)
		fireTimer = 0.0f;

		// Increment the burst counter

		// If this is a semi-automatic weapon, set canFire to false (this means the weapon can't fire again until the player lets up on the fire button)
		if (auto == Auto.Semi)
			canFire = false;

		// Send a messsage so that users can do other actions whenever this happens
		SendMessageUpwards("OnEasyWeaponsFire", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
		yield return new WaitForSeconds(delayBeforeFire);
	IEnumerator DelayLaunch()
		// Reset the fire timer to 0 (for ROF)
		fireTimer = 0.0f;

		// Increment the burst counter

		// If this is a semi-automatic weapon, set canFire to false (this means the weapon can't fire again until the player lets up on the fire button)
		if (auto == Auto.Semi)
			canFire = false;

		// Send a messsage so that users can do other actions whenever this happens
		SendMessageUpwards("OnEasyWeaponsLaunch", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

		yield return new WaitForSeconds(delayBeforeFire);
	IEnumerator DelayBeam()
		yield return new WaitForSeconds(delayBeforeFire);

	void OnGUI()

		// Crosshairs
		if (type == WeaponType.Projectile || type == WeaponType.Beam)
			currentAccuracy = accuracy;
		if (showCrosshair)
			// Hold the location of the center of the screen in a variable
			Vector2 center = new Vector2(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2);

			// Draw the crosshairs based on the weapon's inaccuracy
			// Left
			Rect leftRect = new Rect(center.x - crosshairLength - currentCrosshairSize, center.y - (crosshairWidth / 2), crosshairLength, crosshairWidth);
			GUI.DrawTexture(leftRect, crosshairTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill);
			// Right
			Rect rightRect = new Rect(center.x + currentCrosshairSize, center.y - (crosshairWidth / 2), crosshairLength, crosshairWidth);
			GUI.DrawTexture(rightRect, crosshairTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill);
			// Top
			Rect topRect = new Rect(center.x - (crosshairWidth / 2), center.y - crosshairLength - currentCrosshairSize, crosshairWidth, crosshairLength);
			GUI.DrawTexture(topRect, crosshairTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill);
			// Bottom
			Rect bottomRect = new Rect(center.x - (crosshairWidth / 2), center.y + currentCrosshairSize, crosshairWidth, crosshairLength);
			GUI.DrawTexture(bottomRect, crosshairTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill);

		// Ammo Display
		if (showCurrentAmmo)
			if (type == WeaponType.Raycast || type == WeaponType.Projectile)
				GUI.Label(new Rect(10, Screen.height - 30, 100, 20), "Ammo: " + currentAmmo);
			else if (type == WeaponType.Beam)
				GUI.Label(new Rect(10, Screen.height - 30, 100, 20), "Heat: " + (int)(beamHeat * 100) + "/" + (int)(maxBeamHeat * 100));

	// Raycasting system
	void Fire()
		// Reset the fireTimer to 0 (for ROF)
		fireTimer = 0.0f;

		// Increment the burst counter

		// If this is a semi-automatic weapon, set canFire to false (this means the weapon can't fire again until the player lets up on the fire button)
		if (auto == Auto.Semi)
			canFire = false;

		// First make sure there is ammo
		if (currentAmmo <= 0)

		// Subtract 1 from the current ammo
		if (!infiniteAmmo)

		// Fire once for each shotPerRound value
		for (int i = 0; i < shotPerRound; i++)
			// Calculate accuracy for this shot
			float accuracyVary = (100 - currentAccuracy) / 1000;
			Vector3 direction = raycastStartSpot.forward;
			direction.x += UnityEngine.Random.Range(-accuracyVary, accuracyVary);
			direction.y += UnityEngine.Random.Range(-accuracyVary, accuracyVary);
			direction.z += UnityEngine.Random.Range(-accuracyVary, accuracyVary);
			currentAccuracy -= accuracyDropPerShot;
			if (currentAccuracy <= 0.0f)
				currentAccuracy = 0.0f;

			// The ray that will be used for this shot
			Ray ray = new Ray(raycastStartSpot.position, direction);
			RaycastHit hit;

			if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, range))
				// Warmup heat
				float damage = power;
				if (warmup)
					damage *= heat * powerMultiplier;
					heat = 0.0f;
				// Damage
				hit.collider.gameObject.SendMessageUpwards("ChangeHealth", -damage, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
				if (shooterAIEnabled)
					hit.transform.SendMessageUpwards("Damage", damage / 100, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

				if (bloodyMessEnabled)
					//call the ApplyDamage() function on the enenmy CharacterSetup script
					if (hit.collider.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Limb"))
						Vector3 directionShot = hit.collider.transform.position - transform.position;

						//  Un-comment the following section for Bloody Mess compatibility
						if (hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<Limb>())
							GameObject parent = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<Limb>().parent;
							CharacterSetup character = parent.GetComponent<CharacterSetup>();
							character.ApplyDamage(damage, hit.collider.gameObject, weaponType, directionShot, Camera.main.transform.position);

				// Bullet Holes

				// Make sure the hit GameObject is not defined as an exception for bullet holes
				bool exception = false;
				if (bhSystem == BulletHoleSystem.Tag)
					foreach (SmartBulletHoleGroup bhg in bulletHoleExceptions)
						if (hit.collider.gameObject.tag == bhg.tag)
							exception = true;
				else if (bhSystem == BulletHoleSystem.Material)
					foreach (SmartBulletHoleGroup bhg in bulletHoleExceptions)
						MeshRenderer mesh = FindMeshRenderer(hit.collider.gameObject);
						if (mesh != null)
							if (mesh.sharedMaterial == bhg.material)
								exception = true;
				else if (bhSystem == BulletHoleSystem.Physic_Material)
					foreach (SmartBulletHoleGroup bhg in bulletHoleExceptions)
						if (hit.collider.sharedMaterial == bhg.physicMaterial)
							exception = true;

				// Select the bullet hole pools if there is no exception
				if (makeBulletHoles && !exception)
					// A list of the bullet hole prefabs to choose from
					List<SmartBulletHoleGroup> holes = new List<SmartBulletHoleGroup>();
					// Display the bullet hole groups based on tags
                    if (bhSystem == BulletHoleSystem.Tag)
                        foreach (SmartBulletHoleGroup bhg in bulletHoleGroups)
                            if (hit.collider.gameObject.tag == bhg.tag)

                    // Display the bullet hole groups based on materials
					else if (bhSystem == BulletHoleSystem.Material)
                        // Get the mesh that was hit, if any
                        MeshRenderer mesh = FindMeshRenderer(hit.collider.gameObject);

                        foreach (SmartBulletHoleGroup bhg in bulletHoleGroups)
							if (mesh != null)
								if (mesh.sharedMaterial == bhg.material)

                    // Display the bullet hole groups based on physic materials
					else if (bhSystem == BulletHoleSystem.Physic_Material)
                        foreach (SmartBulletHoleGroup bhg in bulletHoleGroups)
                            if (hit.collider.sharedMaterial == bhg.physicMaterial)

					SmartBulletHoleGroup sbhg = null;
					// If no bullet holes were specified for this parameter, use the default bullet holes
					if (holes.Count == 0)   // If no usable (for this hit GameObject) bullet holes were found...
						List<SmartBulletHoleGroup> defaultsToUse = new List<SmartBulletHoleGroup>();
						foreach (BulletHolePool h in defaultBulletHoles)
							defaultsToUse.Add(new SmartBulletHoleGroup("Default", null, null, h));
						// Choose a bullet hole at random from the list
						sbhg = defaultsToUse[Random.Range(0, defaultsToUse.Count)];
					// Make the actual bullet hole GameObject
						// Choose a bullet hole at random from the list
						sbhg = holes[Random.Range(0, holes.Count)];

					// Place the bullet hole in the scene
					if (sbhg.bulletHole != null)
						sbhg.bulletHole.PlaceBulletHole(hit.point, Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, hit.normal));
				// Hit Effects
				if (makeHitEffects)
					foreach (GameObject hitEffect in hitEffects)
						if (hitEffect != null)
                            Instantiate(hitEffect, hit.point, Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, hit.normal));

				// Add force to the object that was hit
				if (hit.rigidbody)
					hit.rigidbody.AddForce(ray.direction * power * forceMultiplier);

		// Recoil
		if (recoil)
		// Muzzle flash effects
		if (makeMuzzleEffects)
			GameObject muzfx = muzzleEffects[Random.Range(0, muzzleEffects.Length)];
			if (muzfx != null)
				Instantiate(muzfx, muzzleEffectsPosition.position, muzzleEffectsPosition.rotation);

		// Instantiate shell props
		if (spitShells)
			GameObject shellGO = Instantiate(shell, shellSpitPosition.position, shellSpitPosition.rotation) as GameObject;
			shellGO.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddRelativeForce(new Vector3(shellSpitForce + Random.Range(0, shellForceRandom), 0, 0), ForceMode.Impulse);
			shellGO.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddRelativeTorque(new Vector3(shellSpitTorqueX + Random.Range(-shellTorqueRandom, shellTorqueRandom), shellSpitTorqueY + Random.Range(-shellTorqueRandom, shellTorqueRandom), 0), ForceMode.Impulse);

		// Play the gunshot sound

	// Projectile system
	public void Launch()
		// Reset the fire timer to 0 (for ROF)
		fireTimer = 0.0f;

		// Increment the burst counter

		// If this is a semi-automatic weapon, set canFire to false (this means the weapon can't fire again until the player lets up on the fire button)
		if (auto == Auto.Semi)
			canFire = false;

		// First make sure there is ammo
		if (currentAmmo <= 0)

		// Subtract 1 from the current ammo
		if (!infiniteAmmo)
		// Fire once for each shotPerRound value
		for (int i = 0; i < shotPerRound; i++)
			// Instantiate the projectile
			if (projectile != null)
				GameObject proj = Instantiate(projectile, projectileSpawnSpot.position, projectileSpawnSpot.rotation) as GameObject;

				// Warmup heat
				if (warmup)
					if (multiplyPower)
						proj.SendMessage("MultiplyDamage", heat * powerMultiplier, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
					if (multiplyForce)
						proj.SendMessage("MultiplyInitialForce", heat * initialForceMultiplier, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

					heat = 0.0f;
				Debug.Log("Projectile to be instantiated is null.  Make sure to set the Projectile field in the inspector.");
		// Recoil
		if (recoil)

		// Muzzle flash effects
		if (makeMuzzleEffects)
			GameObject muzfx = muzzleEffects[Random.Range(0, muzzleEffects.Length)];
			if (muzfx != null)
				Instantiate(muzfx, muzzleEffectsPosition.position, muzzleEffectsPosition.rotation);

		// Instantiate shell props
		if (spitShells)
			GameObject shellGO = Instantiate(shell, shellSpitPosition.position, shellSpitPosition.rotation) as GameObject;
			shellGO.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddRelativeForce(new Vector3(shellSpitForce + Random.Range(0, shellForceRandom), 0, 0), ForceMode.Impulse);
			shellGO.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddRelativeTorque(new Vector3(shellSpitTorqueX + Random.Range(-shellTorqueRandom, shellTorqueRandom), shellSpitTorqueY + Random.Range(-shellTorqueRandom, shellTorqueRandom), 0), ForceMode.Impulse);
		// Play the gunshot sound
	// Beam system
	void Beam()
		// Send a messsage so that users can do other actions whenever this happens
		SendMessageUpwards("OnEasyWeaponsBeaming", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
		// Set the beaming variable to true
		beaming = true;
		// Make the beam weapon heat up as it is being used
		if (!infiniteBeam)
			beamHeat += Time.deltaTime;

		// Make the beam effect if it hasn't already been made.  This system uses a line renderer on an otherwise empty instantiated GameObject
		if (beamGO == null)
			beamGO = new GameObject(beamTypeName, typeof(LineRenderer));
			beamGO.transform.parent = transform;		// Make the beam object a child of the weapon object, so that when the weapon is deactivated the beam will be as well	- was beamGO.transform.SetParent(transform), which only works in Unity 4.6 or newer;
		LineRenderer beamLR = beamGO.GetComponent<LineRenderer>();
		beamLR.material = beamMaterial;
		beamLR.material.SetColor("_TintColor", beamColor);
		beamLR.SetWidth(startBeamWidth, endBeamWidth);

		// The number of reflections
		int reflections = 0;

		// All the points at which the laser is reflected
		List<Vector3> reflectionPoints = new List<Vector3>();
		// Add the first point to the list of beam reflection points

		// Hold a variable for the last reflected point
		Vector3 lastPoint = raycastStartSpot.position;

		// Declare variables for calculating rays
		Vector3 incomingDirection;
		Vector3 reflectDirection;

		// Whether or not the beam needs to continue reflecting
		bool keepReflecting = true;

		// Raycasting (damgage, etc)
		Ray ray = new Ray(lastPoint, raycastStartSpot.forward);
		RaycastHit hit;

			// Initialize the next point.  If a raycast hit is not returned, this will be the forward direction * range
			Vector3 nextPoint = ray.direction * range;

			if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, range))
				// Set the next point to the hit location from the raycast
				nextPoint = hit.point;

				// Calculate the next direction in which to shoot a ray
				incomingDirection = nextPoint - lastPoint;
				reflectDirection = Vector3.Reflect(incomingDirection, hit.normal);
				ray = new Ray(nextPoint, reflectDirection);
				// Update the lastPoint variable
				lastPoint = hit.point;

				// Hit Effects
				if (makeHitEffects)
					foreach (GameObject hitEffect in hitEffects)
						if (hitEffect != null)
							Instantiate(hitEffect, hit.point, Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, hit.normal));

				// Damage
				hit.collider.gameObject.SendMessageUpwards("ChangeHealth", -beamPower, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

				// Shooter AI support
				if (shooterAIEnabled)
					hit.transform.SendMessageUpwards("Damage", beamPower / 100, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

				// Bloody Mess support
				if (bloodyMessEnabled)
					//call the ApplyDamage() function on the enenmy CharacterSetup script
					if (hit.collider.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Limb"))
						Vector3 directionShot = hit.collider.transform.position - transform.position;

						//  Remove the comment marks from the following section of code for Bloody Mess support
						if (hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<Limb>())
							GameObject parent = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<Limb>().parent;
							CharacterSetup character = parent.GetComponent<CharacterSetup>();
							character.ApplyDamage(beamPower, hit.collider.gameObject, weaponType, directionShot, Camera.main.transform.position);


				// Increment the reflections counter
				keepReflecting = false;

			// Add the next point to the list of beam reflection points

		} while (keepReflecting && reflections < maxReflections && reflect && (reflectionMaterial == null || (FindMeshRenderer(hit.collider.gameObject) != null && FindMeshRenderer(hit.collider.gameObject).sharedMaterial == reflectionMaterial)));

		// Set the positions of the vertices of the line renderer beam
		for (int i = 0; i < reflectionPoints.Count; i++)
			beamLR.SetPosition(i, reflectionPoints[i]);

			// Muzzle reflection effects
			if (makeMuzzleEffects && i > 0)		// Doesn't make the FX on the first iteration since that is handled later.  This is so that the FX at the muzzle point can be parented to the weapon
				GameObject muzfx = muzzleEffects[Random.Range(0, muzzleEffects.Length)];
				if (muzfx != null)
					Instantiate(muzfx, reflectionPoints[i], muzzleEffectsPosition.rotation);

		// Muzzle flash effects
		if (makeMuzzleEffects)
			GameObject muzfx = muzzleEffects[Random.Range(0, muzzleEffects.Length)];
			if (muzfx != null)
				GameObject mfxGO = Instantiate(muzfx, muzzleEffectsPosition.position, muzzleEffectsPosition.rotation) as GameObject;
				mfxGO.transform.parent = raycastStartSpot;

		// Play the beam fire sound
		if (!GetComponent<AudioSource>().isPlaying)
			GetComponent<AudioSource>().clip = fireSound;
	public void StopBeam()
		// Restart the beam timer
		beamHeat -= Time.deltaTime;
		if (beamHeat < 0)
			beamHeat = 0;
		// Remove the visible beam effect GameObject
		if (beamGO != null)

		// Send a messsage so that users can do other actions whenever this happens
		SendMessageUpwards("OnEasyWeaponsStopBeaming", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

	// Reload the weapon
	void Reload()
		currentAmmo = ammoCapacity;
		fireTimer = -reloadTime;

		// Send a messsage so that users can do other actions whenever this happens
		SendMessageUpwards("OnEasyWeaponsReload", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

	// When the weapon tries to fire without any ammo
	void DryFire()

	// Recoil FX.  This is the "kick" that you see when the weapon moves back while firing
	void Recoil()
		// No recoil for AIs
		if (!playerWeapon)

		// Make sure the user didn't leave the weapon model field blank
        if (weaponModel == null)
            Debug.Log("Weapon Model is null.  Make sure to set the Weapon Model field in the inspector.");

        // Calculate random values for the recoil position and rotation
		float kickBack = Random.Range(recoilKickBackMin, recoilKickBackMax);
		float kickRot = Random.Range(recoilRotationMin, recoilRotationMax);

		// Apply the random values to the weapon's postion and rotation
		weaponModel.transform.Translate(new Vector3(0, 0, -kickBack), Space.Self);
		weaponModel.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(-kickRot, 0, 0), Space.Self);

    // Find a mesh renderer in a specified gameobject, it's children, or its parents
    MeshRenderer FindMeshRenderer(GameObject go)
        MeshRenderer hitMesh;

        // Use the MeshRenderer directly from this GameObject if it has one
        if (go.GetComponent<Renderer>() != null)
            hitMesh = go.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();

        // Try to find a child or parent GameObject that has a MeshRenderer
            // Look for a renderer in the child GameObjects
            hitMesh = go.GetComponentInChildren<MeshRenderer>();

            // If a renderer is still not found, try the parent GameObjects
            if (hitMesh == null)
                GameObject curGO = go;
                while (hitMesh == null && curGO.transform != curGO.transform.root)
                    curGO = curGO.transform.parent.gameObject;
                    hitMesh = curGO.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();

        return hitMesh;

Code : Tout sélectionner

/// <summary>
/// WeaponSystem.cs
/// Author: MutantGopher
/// This script manages weapon switching.  It's recommended that you attach this to a parent GameObject of all your weapons, but this is not necessary.
/// This script allows the player to switch weapons in two ways, by pressing the numbers corresponding to each weapon, or by scrolling with the mouse.
/// </summary>

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class WeaponSystem : MonoBehaviour
	public GameObject[] weapons;				// The array that holds all the weapons that the player has
	public int startingWeaponIndex = 0;			// The weapon index that the player will start with
	private int weaponIndex;					// The current index of the active weapon

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start()
		// Make sure the starting active weapon is the one selected by the user in startingWeaponIndex
		weaponIndex = startingWeaponIndex;
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update()
		// Allow the user to instantly switch to any weapon
		if (Input.GetButtonDown("Weapon 1"))
		if (Input.GetButtonDown("Weapon 2"))
		if (Input.GetButtonDown("Weapon 3"))
		if (Input.GetButtonDown("Weapon 4"))
		if (Input.GetButtonDown("Weapon 5"))
		if (Input.GetButtonDown("Weapon 6"))
		if (Input.GetButtonDown("Weapon 7"))
		if (Input.GetButtonDown("Weapon 8"))
		if (Input.GetButtonDown("Weapon 9"))

		// Allow the user to scroll through the weapons
		if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") > 0)
		if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") < 0)

	void OnGUI()


	public void SetActiveWeapon(int index)
		// Make sure this weapon exists before trying to switch to it
		if (index >= weapons.Length || index < 0)
			Debug.LogWarning("Tried to switch to a weapon that does not exist.  Make sure you have all the correct weapons in your weapons array.");

		// Send a messsage so that users can do other actions whenever this happens
		SendMessageUpwards("OnEasyWeaponsSwitch", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

		// Make sure the weaponIndex references the correct weapon
		weaponIndex = index;

		// Make sure beam game objects aren't left over after weapon switching

		// Start be deactivating all weapons
		for (int i = 0; i < weapons.Length; i++)

		// Activate the one weapon that we want

	public void NextWeapon()
		if (weaponIndex > weapons.Length - 1)
			weaponIndex = 0;

	public void PreviousWeapon()
		if (weaponIndex < 0)
			weaponIndex = weapons.Length - 1;

En faite j'essaye de voir jusqu'où je peux aller sans m'interdire d'utiliser des assets "trop complète", en général j'aime faire tout tout seul là j'essaye de voir jusqu'où je peux aller en utilisant les trucs gratuit d'unity. Ils sont fait pour ça je sais bien mais je sais pas ... Peut être par stupidité ^^'

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Messages : 6243
Inscription : 28 Avr 2014 11:57
Localisation : Saint-Didier-en-Bresse (71)

Re: [DB-AL] Je n'arrive pas à ajouté des variables dans le debug ni à les utilisés dans le script !

Message par boubouk50 » 30 Août 2018 14:05

Ok. Donc la question est où mets-tu cette variable?
Elle devrait être au sein de la classe qui l'utilise, par exemple à ce niveau-ci:

Code : Tout sélectionner

public class SmartBulletHoleGroup
	public string tag;
	public Animator anim;
Dans ce cas, anim sera accessible dans la classe SmartBulletHoleGroup mais pas dans les autres.
Dans Weapon.cs, il y a plusieurs classes de définies, donc anim n'est pas accessible partout.
C'est le principe de portée de donnée, appelé Scope.
"Ce n'est pas en améliorant la bougie, que l'on a inventé l'ampoule, c'est en marchant longtemps."
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Messages : 47
Inscription : 21 Fév 2018 23:04
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Re: [DB-AL] Je n'arrive pas à ajouté des variables dans le debug ni à les utilisés dans le script !

Message par Autodidactelife » 30 Août 2018 14:24

En faite il y à 2 soucis.

Le premier c'est que les variables public ne s'affiche pas dans le debug (d'ailleurs le rangement du debug n'a rien avoir avec la classe, la classe n'a aucun header ni rien et pourtant tout est grouper !)

J'ai essayer de mettre dans la classe "weapon" directement puisque je dois l'utiliser dans la class weapon (j'aimerais executer l'animation dans reload).

Et même m'étant juste avant la fonction reload le "public Animator anim" il m'est impossible de l'utiliser il me propose de faire un "public System.object anim" ce qui me perturbe :(

Il y à pourtant bien les trucs d'unity puisque tout au long de sa class il utilise des gameobjects et autres particularité d'unity.

Je vais essayer dans SmartBullet mais en tout cas j'ai essayer dans la class weapon impossible.

Et le deuxième c'est que la variable est inutilisable dans sa propre class :/

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Messages : 6243
Inscription : 28 Avr 2014 11:57
Localisation : Saint-Didier-en-Bresse (71)

Re: [DB-AL] Je n'arrive pas à ajouté des variables dans le debug ni à les utilisés dans le script !

Message par boubouk50 » 30 Août 2018 15:54

Je ne pense pas que ce soit au niveau du namespace, UnityEngine est utilisé. Je me demande si ce n'est pas en rapport avec la sérialisation... Mais là, c'est au dessus de mes connaissances théoriques.
"Ce n'est pas en améliorant la bougie, que l'on a inventé l'ampoule, c'est en marchant longtemps."
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Messages : 47
Inscription : 21 Fév 2018 23:04
Localisation : France

Re: [DB-AL] Je n'arrive pas à ajouté des variables dans le debug ni à les utilisés dans le script !

Message par Autodidactelife » 30 Août 2018 16:20

Je suis dans la même situation j'ai essayer de déplacer la variable partout de la sérialisé manuellement mais rien y fait :aille2:

Son asset est vraiment super complète elle est juste énorme, c'est super bien expliquer mais .... Sauf sa X|

Si quelqu'un à une solution pour que j'apprends plus sur le fonctionnement car au fond si je ne sais pas l'utilisais c'est un je ne sais pas comment ça marche donc quelque chose à apprendre !

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Messages : 8783
Inscription : 30 Juil 2011 13:57
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Re: [DB-AL] Je n'arrive pas à ajouté des variables dans le debug ni à les utilisés dans le script !

Message par Max » 30 Août 2018 17:49

Autodidactelife a écrit :
30 Août 2018 14:24
Le premier c'est que les variables public ne s'affiche pas dans le debug (d'ailleurs le rangement du debug n'a rien avoir avec la classe, la classe n'a aucun header ni rien et pourtant tout est grouper !)
En regardant vite fait la liste des éléments du package sur le store, on y voit un script nommé WeaponEditor.cs.
C'est lui qui se charge d'un affichage/accès personnalisé aux données de la classe Weapon au sein de l'inspector (c'est aussi pour cela que comme tu le dis "le rangement du debug n'a rien avoir avec la classe"). Donc si tu rajoutes une donnée publique dans cette classe, il est normal que tu ne la vois pas s'afficher dans l'inspector (avec le reste). Il faut donc aussi en passer par une modification du fichier WeaponEditor.cs.
Pas d'aide par MP, le forum est là pour ça.
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Messages : 47
Inscription : 21 Fév 2018 23:04
Localisation : France

Re: [DB-AL] Je n'arrive pas à ajouté des variables dans le debug ni à les utilisés dans le script !

Message par Autodidactelife » 30 Août 2018 19:14

Max a écrit :
30 Août 2018 17:49
Autodidactelife a écrit :
30 Août 2018 14:24
Le premier c'est que les variables public ne s'affiche pas dans le debug (d'ailleurs le rangement du debug n'a rien avoir avec la classe, la classe n'a aucun header ni rien et pourtant tout est grouper !)
En regardant vite fait la liste des éléments du package sur le store, on y voit un script nommé WeaponEditor.cs.
C'est lui qui se charge d'un affichage/accès personnalisé aux données de la classe Weapon au sein de l'inspector (c'est aussi pour cela que comme tu le dis "le rangement du debug n'a rien avoir avec la classe"). Donc si tu rajoutes une donnée publique dans cette classe, il est normal que tu ne la vois pas s'afficher dans l'inspector (avec le reste). Il faut donc aussi en passer par une modification du fichier WeaponEditor.cs.
Bonjour Max !

C'est intéressant ça, j'ai évidement uniquement pris ce que j'utilisais le reste j'ai mis de côté et comme je pensais seulement ce qui était dans la scène influencé je n'avais pas regarder les autres scripts :/

Je vais m'intéresser à ce script alors afin de mieux comprendre son utilisation et pourquoi pas, réutilisé plus tard pour d'autres projets ! :)

Merci beaucoup ! Je ne savais pas qu'un script qui n'est pas dans le projet puisse agir (du moins il agis uniquement du côté du debug afin de tout classer, mais c'est super intéressant je trouve), j'ai aussi par ailleurs remarquer que des scripts était présent en plus des deux précédent, mais pas celui là ^^

Merci encore !


Code : Tout sélectionner

weapon.Anim = (Animator)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Animation Rechargement", weapon.Anim, typeof(Animator), false);
Et hop ça marche niquel ! Merci encore, je vais essayer de faire plus attention la prochaine fois au lieux de poser encore une question hâtivement et bêtement ... :taistoi:

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Messages : 8783
Inscription : 30 Juil 2011 13:57
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Re: [RESOLU] [DB-AL] Je n'arrive pas à ajouté des variables dans le debug ni à les utilisés dans le script !

Message par Max » 30 Août 2018 20:12

Si tu veux éventuellement creuser cet aspect, n'hésite pas à regarder sur le Learn, où des tuto y sont consacrés, genre Building a Custom Inspector (section Scripting, partie Editor Scripting).
Bonne continuation.
Pas d'aide par MP, le forum est là pour ça.
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