Probleme controle du personnage (Pad)

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[DB-RS] Mouvement perso multijoueur
Messages : 3
Inscription : 26 Août 2015 06:05

Probleme controle du personnage (Pad)

Message par Trix » 28 Août 2015 01:30

salut a tous :)
Je suis nouveau dans l'utilisation de unity3D que je trouve très intéressant :-D et j'ai décidé de faire un tout petit projet :roll:
Mon jeu est un principe simple "course infini" en 2d . le contrôle est juste celui d'utiliser 2 boutons sauter et glisser, alors j'ai utiliser des petits bouts de code que j'ai vu de gauche a droite sur Google mais mon personnage a un problème avec le saut :
- Il saute quand bon lui semble après que j'ai tapoté plusieurs fois sur la touche espace pourtant je veut qu'il réponde directement après avoir touché le sol.
Que faire?
voici le code utilisé

Code : Tout sélectionner

#pragma strict

//how fast the player walks
var speed:float = 20.0;
//how high the player can jump
var jumpHeight:float = 8.0;
//at what point the level resets if the player falls in a hole
var fallLimit:float = -10;
//how fast the player recovers from being pushed back
var recoverySpeed:float = 1.5;
//jump sound
var jumpSound:AudioClip;

var standing:GameObject;
var sliding:GameObject;

//we use a raycast hit to check how far the player is away from the ground
private var hit:RaycastHit;
private var hitUp:RaycastHit;
//using this to ensure the jump sound doesn't play more than once at a time.
private var jumpCounter:float = 0.0;
//we use this statement to allow jumping to happen or not.
private var canJump = false;
//here we get the camera to reference its position.
private var cam:GameObject;
//here we get the flash so we can tell it to do something if we die
private var flash:GameObject;
//we use this to save the original speed when starting the game.
private var origSpeed:float = 0.0;
//we use this to check to see if we're standing or not
private var isStanding = true;

function Start () {
//we make sure the sliding animation for the character is deactivated
//we find the flash object
flash = GameObject.Find("flash");
//we find the main camera and pair it to cam
cam = GameObject.Find("Main Camera");
//we send a message to the camera with our speed.
cam.SendMessage("receiveSpeed", speed);
//we set the origspeed to speed so we can keep track of it while playing
origSpeed = speed;

function Update () {
//if the player gets behind the camera too much, we add a bit of speed so he recovers.
if(cam.transform.position.x > transform.position.x + 1 && speed == origSpeed){
//we add recovery speed to origspeed and make that the new speed
speed = origSpeed + recoverySpeed;
//if the player gets too far ahead he'll slow down instead of speed up, this would be rare or impossible, but here just to make sure.
if(cam.transform.position.x < transform.position.x - 1 && speed == origSpeed){
speed = origSpeed - recoverySpeed;

//if the player is back to the middle, we make the speed normal again.
if(cam.transform.position.x > transform.position.x - 1 && cam.transform.position.x < transform.position.x + 1 && speed != origSpeed){
speed = origSpeed;

//jumpCounter becomes a timer.
jumpCounter += Time.deltaTime;

//here we apply the speed to the character
GetComponent.<Rigidbody>().velocity.x = speed;

//Keyboard Controls for web versions (Same as Standalone because they both deal with keyboard)
//This checks to see if the player is pressing W or Space to jump
if (Physics.Raycast (transform.position - Vector3(0,0.25,0), Vector3(0,-1,0), hit)) {
	//if the hit distance of the raycast going down is less that 0.75, we make it possible to jump
	if(hit.distance < 0.75){
		canJump = true;
	//if its not less, then we make it not possible.
		canJump = false;

//if the player presses w or space, and the player is standing and can jump, we allow him to jump.
if(Input.GetKey("b") || Input.GetKey("n")){
	if(canJump == true && isStanding == true && hit.collider.isTrigger == false){
		//we add speed to the jump
		rigidbody.velocity.y = jumpHeight;
		//if the jumpcounter > 0.25 we allow the sound to play.
		if(jumpCounter > 0.25){
			//we play the sound
			//and reset the counter
			jumpCounter = 0.0;	
//if the player is not pressing jump with w or space, we add velocity down. this helps make variable jump heights depending on how long the player holds the button.
	rigidbody.velocity.y -= 32*Time.deltaTime;

//here we use a raycast to check to see if the player's hit distance above him is small. this is for the sliding feature
if(Physics.Raycast (transform.position - Vector3(0,0.25,0), Vector3(0,1,0), hitUp)){
	//if the hit distance is greater than 0.4 and the player presses s, then we allow the player to slide
	if(hitUp.distance > 0.4){
			//this turns of isstanding so we can check it while the player is sliding
			isStanding = false;
			//we turn the sliding object on 
			//and turn the standing object off
		//if the player lets go of s, we get him to stand back up with the same functions as above
			isStanding = true;
		//if the distance is less than 0.4, then we make sure the player continues to slide. this forces the player to not be able to stand up while sliding. very polished!
		if(isStanding == true && hitUp.collider.isTrigger == false){
			isStanding = false;
	//if the player is not pressing s but the hit distance is much higher than what would require to stay sliding, we force him to stand back up. again, very polished!
	if(Input.GetKey("s") == false && hitUp.distance > 0.4 && isStanding == false){
		isStanding = true;

//Keyboard Controls for desktop versions (Same as web because they both deal with keyboard)
//This checks to see if the player is pressing W or Space to jump
if (Physics.Raycast (transform.position - Vector3(0,0.25,0), Vector3(0,-1,0), hit)) {
	if(hit.distance < 0.75){
		canJump = true;
		canJump = false;

if(Input.GetKey("w") || Input.GetKey("space")){
	if(canJump == true && isStanding == true && hit.collider.isTrigger == false){
		GetComponent.<Rigidbody>().velocity.y = jumpHeight;
		if(jumpCounter > 0.25){
			jumpCounter = 0.0;	
	GetComponent.<Rigidbody>().velocity.y -= 32*Time.deltaTime;

if(Physics.Raycast (transform.position - Vector3(0,0.25,0), Vector3(0,1,0), hitUp)){
	if(hitUp.distance > 0.4){
			isStanding = false;
			isStanding = true;
		if(isStanding == true && hitUp.collider.isTrigger == false){
			isStanding = false;
	if(Input.GetKey("s") == false && hitUp.distance > 0.4 && isStanding == false){
		isStanding = true;

//iOS Controls (same as Android because they both deal with screen touches)
//we check to see if the player can jump with a raycast down, just like in the web and standalone controls
if (Physics.Raycast (transform.position - Vector3(0,0.25,0), Vector3(0,-1,0), hit)) {
	if(hit.distance < 0.75){
		canJump = true;
		canJump = false;

//if the touch count on the screen is higher than 0, then we allow stuff to happen to control the player.
if(Input.touchCount > 0){
for(var touch1 : Touch in Input.touches) {
	//if the touch is on the top half of the screen, we do jump stuff
	if(touch1.position.y > Screen.height/2){
		//if the player can jump and is standing, then we do the jump
		if(canJump == true && isStanding == true && hit.collider.isTrigger == false){
			//here we apply the jump velocity
			rigidbody.velocity.y = jumpHeight;
			//if the jump counter is greater than 0.25, we allow the sound to play
			if(jumpCounter > 0.25){
				//we play the sound
				//and reset the counter
				jumpCounter = 0.0;	
	//if the touch position is on the bottom half of the screen, we do slide stuff
	if(touch1.position.y < Screen.height/2){
		rigidbody.velocity.y -= 32*Time.deltaTime;
		isStanding = false;
	//if its not on the bottom half, we make him stand.
		isStanding = true;

	//if the touch count is 0, we add velocity down for the variable jump height, depending on how long the player holds jump
	rigidbody.velocity.y -= 32*Time.deltaTime;
	//now we check the raycast up to see if the player is in a sliding area or not
	if(Physics.Raycast (transform.position - Vector3(0,0.25,0), Vector3(0,1,0), hitUp)){
		//if the player is in a sliding area, we force him to stay down
		if(hitUp.distance < 0.4 && isStanding == true && hitUp.collider.isTrigger == false){
			isStanding = false;
		//if the player is not in a sliding area but is still down and not touching the screen, we force him back up.
		if(hitUp.distance > 0.4 && isStanding == false){
			isStanding = true;

//Android Controls (same as iOS because they both deal with screen touches)
if (Physics.Raycast (transform.position - Vector3(0,0.25,0), Vector3(0,-1,0), hit)) {
	if(hit.distance < 0.75){
		canJump = true;
		canJump = false;

if(Input.touchCount > 0){
for(var touch1 : Touch in Input.touches) {
	if(touch1.position.y > Screen.height/2){
		if(canJump == true && isStanding == true && hit.collider.isTrigger == false){
			rigidbody.velocity.y = jumpHeight;
			if(jumpCounter > 0.25){
				jumpCounter = 0.0;	
	if(touch1.position.y < Screen.height/2){
		rigidbody.velocity.y -= 32*Time.deltaTime;
		isStanding = false;
		isStanding = true;

	rigidbody.velocity.y -= 32*Time.deltaTime;
	if(Physics.Raycast (transform.position - Vector3(0,0.25,0), Vector3(0,1,0), hitUp)){
		if(hitUp.distance < 0.4 && isStanding == true && hitUp.collider.isTrigger == false){
			isStanding = false;
		if(hitUp.distance > 0.4 && isStanding == false){
			isStanding = true;

//here we check to see if the player fell or when too far to the left
if(transform.position.y < fallLimit || transform.position.x < cam.transform.position.x - 13){
	//we check to see if flash is there, then we send him a message that its a game over.
	if(flash != null){
		//here we send the message
		flash.SendMessage("gameOverFlash", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
	//and destroy the player

//end of function update

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Inscription : 30 Juil 2011 13:57
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Re: Probleme controle du personnage (Pad)

Message par Max » 28 Août 2015 16:51


Faire du copié/collé de codes pris à droite et à gauche n'a jamais vraiment amené à quelque chose de bien et encore moins de constructif pour celui qui le pratique.
Comprendre c'est quand même mieux. Même pour un petit projet, à temps perdu. Car en fait cela reste l'idéal pour apprendre tout en progressant dans la direction qui t'anime.
Les tuto sont désormais légions concernant la 2D, à commencer par tout ce que l'on trouve sur le Learn d'UT.
Comme celui-ci par exemple: 2D Character Controllers

Aller, un thermos de café, et hop, c'est parti ..... :geek:
Pas d'aide par MP, le forum est là pour ça.
En cas de doute sur les bonnes pratiques à adopter sur le forum, consulter la Charte et sa FAQ

Messages : 3
Inscription : 26 Août 2015 06:05

Re: Probleme controle du personnage (Pad)

Message par Trix » 29 Août 2015 05:22

Oki merci je crois que je vais tout d’abord me contenté de ceci :super:


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