Un Thème pour le forum

Toute l'actualité liée à Unity.

Choix d'un thème

Le sondage a expiré le 20 Fév 2016 11:45

Nombre total de votes : 22

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Re: Un Thème pour le forum

Message par Iwa » 04 Mars 2016 18:15

J'ai plus de nyeux :P et du coup les icônes sont pas du tout retravaillées ;). Elles mériteraient une saturation un peu plus haute sûrement et un petit lifting colorimétrique
"N'est stupide que la stupidité Monsieur..." - Forest Gump
... sauf si tu lis pas ça :)

Si tu as tout ce qu'il te faut, merci de penser à basculer ton sujet en [RESOLU] en éditant ton tout premier post ;)

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Re: Un Thème pour le forum

Message par Max » 04 Mars 2016 18:28

Iwa a écrit :du coup les icônes sont pas du tout retravaillées ;). Elles mériteraient une saturation un peu plus haute sûrement et un petit lifting colorimétrique
tu parles avec le thème modifié par tes soins ?
Sinon, tu ne m'as pas dit si le screen correspondant bien à ce que tu avait retravaillé ?
Pas d'aide par MP, le forum est là pour ça.
En cas de doute sur les bonnes pratiques à adopter sur le forum, consulter la Charte et sa FAQ

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Re: Un Thème pour le forum

Message par Iwa » 04 Mars 2016 18:32

Oui le thème que j'ai modifié à toujours les icônes de bases et ça manque un peu de patate ;). Mais ce que tu montres ressemble bien à ce que j'ai fait :D
"N'est stupide que la stupidité Monsieur..." - Forest Gump
... sauf si tu lis pas ça :)

Si tu as tout ce qu'il te faut, merci de penser à basculer ton sujet en [RESOLU] en éditant ton tout premier post ;)

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Inscription : 30 Juil 2011 13:57
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Re: Un Thème pour le forum

Message par Max » 04 Mars 2016 18:50

Iwa a écrit :Oui le thème que j'ai modifié à toujours les icônes de bases et ça manque un peu de patate ;).
ça je te crois :mrgreen:
Iwa a écrit :Mais ce que tu montres ressemble bien à ce que j'ai fait :D
si tu pense qu'il n'y a pas d'autre modif à faire, j'en fait un zip et je l'envoie à Stef.
Pas d'aide par MP, le forum est là pour ça.
En cas de doute sur les bonnes pratiques à adopter sur le forum, consulter la Charte et sa FAQ

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Inscription : 25 Avr 2012 16:20
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Re: Un Thème pour le forum

Message par Iwa » 04 Mars 2016 18:53

J'tai livré ça en mode "y a plus qu'a" ;). A part les icônes, pour moi il n'y a rien à faire. C'est un premier shot.
"N'est stupide que la stupidité Monsieur..." - Forest Gump
... sauf si tu lis pas ça :)

Si tu as tout ce qu'il te faut, merci de penser à basculer ton sujet en [RESOLU] en éditant ton tout premier post ;)

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Messages : 8805
Inscription : 30 Juil 2011 13:57
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Re: Un Thème pour le forum

Message par Max » 04 Mars 2016 18:54

Iwa a écrit :J'tai livré ça en mode "y a plus qu'a" ;). A part les icônes, pour moi il n'y a rien à faire. C'est un premier shot.
Les icons, on va voir, pour le pack je transmet au boss dans la soirée ;)
Pas d'aide par MP, le forum est là pour ça.
En cas de doute sur les bonnes pratiques à adopter sur le forum, consulter la Charte et sa FAQ

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Inscription : 28 Juil 2015 20:08
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Re: Un Thème pour le forum

Message par Pitou » 05 Mars 2016 12:26

Salut !

Premièrement, bravo pour le travail et le geste Max !

J'ai été dessus en remarquant que mon ancien thème "black" soit parti, et aucun remplaçant sombre/dark n'est disponible :pleur4:
(je n'ai pas trouvé dans les styles disponible)

Je vous propose donc, un thème dark/sombre, sur la base donnée par Iwa, et re-modifiée par mes soins :


Comme pour Iwa, c'est juste une modification de 2-3 .css
Je vous donne pas les css pour le moment car il y a des éléments non présents sur la capture qui ne vont pas. (je n'ai pas fini ;) )

Qu'en pensez-vous ? Y aura t'il moyen de le rendre disponible pour tous si je le termine ?
On dit LE WiFi ! Y'en a marre !

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Inscription : 30 Juil 2011 13:57
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Re: Un Thème pour le forum

Message par Max » 05 Mars 2016 12:33

Hello Pitou,
Pitou a écrit :Qu'en pensez-vous ? Y aura t'il moyen de le rendre disponible pour tous si je le termine ?
Je sais que pas mal de personnes sont adeptes de ce genre de style 'sombre', nous en avions parlé et j'avais laissé entendre qu'il n'y aurait pas de problème pour adapter le thème choisi à ce type de colorie.
Ce que tu présente est vraiment bien, dans l'esprit 'sombre' tu semble avoir tapé juste (de mon point de vue). Donc tu peux terminer la modif des css, comme l'a fait Iwa, et je transmettrait de la même façon pour son intégration. :super:
Le seul truc, c'est que les smiley comme les différentes vignettes risquent de 'baver' sur ces tons plus sombre. Mais on verra ce que l'on peut faire sur ce point après ;)
Pas d'aide par MP, le forum est là pour ça.
En cas de doute sur les bonnes pratiques à adopter sur le forum, consulter la Charte et sa FAQ

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Inscription : 28 Juil 2015 20:08
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Re: Un Thème pour le forum

Message par Pitou » 05 Mars 2016 13:56

Voici la première version, je pense que j'ai fait le tour du fofo, il reste peut-être tout de même des problèmes sur cetaines pages que j'aurai raté ;)

Les css :


Code : Tout sélectionner

Colours and backgrounds for common.css

html, body {
   color: #ffffff;
   background-color: #0B1725;

h1 {
   color: #FFFFFF;

h2 {
   color: #F5F4F4;

h3 {
   /*border-bottom-color: #DADADA;*/

hr {
   border-color: #F5F5F5;
   border-top-color: #F5F5F5;

/* Search box
--------------------------------------------- */

.search-box .inputbox,
.search-box .inputbox:hover,
.search-box .inputbox:focus,
.search-box .button:hover {
   border-color: #DADADA;

.search-header input#keywords {
   background-color: #222C37;
   color: #8494A3;

/* Round cornered boxes and backgrounds
---------------------------------------- */
#wrap {

.headerbar {

.navbar {

.navbar ul#nav-main {
   background-color: #3C4855;
   border-bottom-color: #54606E;

.forabg {
   background-color: #162331;

.forumbg {
   background-color: #162331;

.panel {
   background-color: #3C4855;

.post:target .content {
   color: #000000;

.post:target h3 a {
   color: #000000;

.bg1 {
   background-color: #3C4855;

table.zebra-list tr:nth-child(odd) td, ul.zebra-list li:nth-child(odd) {
   background-color: #FBFBFB;

.bg2 {
   background-color: #3C4855;

table.zebra-list tr:nth-child(even) td, ul.zebra-list li:nth-child(even) {
   background-color: #EAEDF1;

.bg3   {
   background-color: #3C4855;

.ucprowbg {
   background-color: #DCDEE2;

.fieldsbg {
   background-color: #E7E8EA;

/* Horizontal lists

ul.navlinks {
   border-top-color: #FFFFFF;

/* Table styles
table.table1 thead th {
   color: #FFFFFF;

table.table1 tbody tr {
   border-color: #F5F5F5;

table.table1 tbody tr:hover, table.table1 tbody tr.hover {
   color: #000;

table.table1 td {
   color: #FFFFFF;

table.table1 tbody td {
   border-top-color: #F5F5F5;
.section-viewonline table.table1 tbody td,
.section-memberlist table.table1 tbody td {
   border-top-color: #F5F5F5;

table.table1 tbody th {
   border-bottom-color: #000000;
   color: #333333;
   background-color: #FFFFFF;

table.info tbody th {
   color: #000000;

/* Misc layout styles
---------------------------------------- */
dl.details dt {
   color: #000000;

dl.details dd {
   color: #828282;

.sep {
   color: #1198D9;

/* Pagination
---------------------------------------- */

.pagination li a {
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.pagination li.ellipsis span {
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.pagination li.active span {
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/*.pagination li.next a, .pagination li.previous a, .pagination li.page-jump a {

/* Pagination in viewforum for multipage topics */
.row .pagination:before {
   content: "\f0c5";
   font-family: FontAwesome;

/* Miscellaneous styles
---------------------------------------- */

#prefooter + .copyright {
   background-color: #026766;
.copyright {
   background-color: #0B1725;

.error {
   color: #BC2A4D;

.reported {
    background-color: #FFFFFF;
li.reported {
       background-color: #FFF1EA;
li.reported + li.reported {
   border-top: 0 !important;
li.reported:hover {
   background-color: #FFF !important;
.sticky, .announce {
   /* you can add a background for stickies and announcements*/

div.rules {
   background-color: #EBEBEB;

p.post-notice {
   background-color: #ECD5D8;
   background-image: none;

p.post-notice.deleted:before {
   font-family: FontAwesome;
   content: "\f1b8";
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   color: #3CA83C;

p.post-notice.unapproved:before {
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   content: "\f059";
   font-size: 14px;
   color: #5D8DFF;

p.post-notice.reported:before, p.post-notice.error:before {
   font-family: FontAwesome;
   content: "\f071";
   font-size: 14px;
   color: #FD5E01;
p.post-notice.reported {
   border-color: transparent;

Colours and backgrounds for links.css
-------------------------------------------------------------- */

a {color: #F5F4F4;}
a:hover   { text-decoration: underline; }

a.forumtitle {
   color: #FFFFFF;
   font-weight: bold;
a.topictitle {
   color: #FFFFFF;

/* Links on gradient backgrounds */
.forumbg .header a, .forabg .header a, th a {
   color: #FFFFFF;

.forumbg .header a:hover, .forabg .header a:hover, th a:hover {

.navbar ul#nav-main > li > a {
    color: #ffffff;
    font-weight: bold;
.navbar ul#nav-main > li:not(.rightside) > a:hover,
.navbar ul#nav-main > li.icon-register > a:hover,
.navbar ul#nav-main > li.icon-logout > a:hover {
   background-color: #162331;
   border-bottom-color: #3E4D5D;

/* Notification mark read link */
.dropdown-extended a.mark_read {
   background-color: #FFFFFF;

/* Post body links */
.postlink {
   /*border-bottom-color: #368AD2;
   color: #368AD2;*/

.postlink:visited {
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   color: #5D8FBD;*/

.postlink:hover {
   /*background-color: #D0E4F6;
   color: #0D4473;*/

.signature a, .signature a:hover {
   background-color: transparent;

/* Back to top of page */
a.top {
   color: #A7A7AA;
a.top:before {
   font-family: FontAwesome;
   content: "\f139";
   display: inline-block;
   color: #A7A7AA;

a.top2 {
   color: #139895;
a.top2:before {
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   content: "\f139";
   display: inline-block;
   color: #A7A7AA;
   font-size: 12px;
   width: 14px;
   padding: 0 1px;

/* Arrow links  */
a.arrow-up:before         { content: "\f102"; }
a.arrow-down:before         { content: "\f103"; }
a.arrow-left:before         { content: "\f100"; }
a.arrow-right:after         { content: "\f101"; }

a.arrow-up:hover {
   background-color: transparent;

a.arrow-left:hover {

a.arrow-right:hover {

Colours and backgrounds for content.css
-------------------------------------------------------------- */

ul.forums {
   background-color: #3C4855;

ul.topiclist li {
   color: #C6C9CD;
#cp-main ul.topiclist li.header {
   background-color: #005554;
   color: #FFFFFF;

ul.topiclist dd {


.rtl ul.topiclist dd {
   border-right-color: transparent;
   border-left-color: transparent;

ul.topiclist li.row dt a.subforum.read:before {
   color: #D5D8D9;

ul.topiclist li.row dt a.subforum.unread:before {
   color: #FD5E01;

li.row {
   border-bottom-color: #79bfb5;

li.row strong {
   color: #C6C9CD;

li.row:hover {
   background-color: #556372;

li.row:hover dd {
   border-left-color: transparent;

.rtl li.row:hover dd {
   border-right-color: transparent;
   border-left-color: transparent;

li.header dt {
   color: #FFFFFF;
li.header dd {
   color: #FFFFFF;

/* Post body styles
.postbody {
   color: #C6C9CD;

/* Content container styles
.content {
   color: #ffffff;

.content h2, .panel h2 {
   border-bottom-color:  transparent;

dl.faq dt {
   color: #FFFFFF;

.posthilit {
   background-color: #F3BFCC;
   color: #BC2A4D;

.announce, .unreadpost {
   /* Highlight the announcements & unread posts box */

/* Post signature */
.signature {
   border-top-color: #F5F5F5;

/* Post noticies */
.notice {
   border-top-color:  #F5F5F5;

/* BB Code styles
/* Quote block */
blockquote {
   background-color: #556372;
   border-color: #00A0A0;

.rtl blockquote {

blockquote blockquote {
   /* Nested quotes */
   background-color: #F5F5F5;

blockquote blockquote blockquote {
   /* Nested quotes */
   background-color: #FFFFFF;

/* Code block */
.codebox {
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   border-color: #00A0A0;

.codebox p {
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.codebox code {
   color: #2E8B57;

.syntaxbg      { color: #FFFFFF; }
.syntaxcomment   { color: #FF8000; }
.syntaxdefault   { color: #0000BB; }
.syntaxhtml      { color: #000000; }
.syntaxkeyword   { color: #007700; }
.syntaxstring   { color: #DD0000; }

/* Attachments
.attachbox {
   background-color: #FFFFFF;
   border-color:  #C9D2D8;

.pm-message .attachbox {
   background-color: #F2F3F3;

.attachbox dd {
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.attachbox p {
   color: #666666;

.attachbox p.stats {
   color: #666666;

.attach-image img {
   border-color: #999999;

/* Inline image thumbnails */

dl.file dd {
   color: #666666;

dl.thumbnail img {
   border-color: #666666;
   background-color: #FFFFFF;

dl.thumbnail dd {
   color: #666666;

dl.thumbnail dt a:hover {
   background-color: #EEEEEE;

dl.thumbnail dt a:hover img {
   border-color: #368AD2;

/* Post poll styles

fieldset.polls dl {
   border-top-color: #F5F5F5;
   color: #FFFFFF;

fieldset.polls dl.voted {
   color: #000000;

fieldset.polls dd div {
   color: #FFFFFF;

.rtl .pollbar1, .rtl .pollbar2, .rtl .pollbar3, .rtl .pollbar4, .rtl .pollbar5 {
   border-right-color: transparent;

.pollbar1 {
   background-color: #556372;
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.rtl .pollbar1 {
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.pollbar2 {
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   border-right-color: #556372;

.rtl .pollbar2 {
   border-left-color: #556372;

.pollbar3 {
   background-color: #556372;
   border-bottom-color: #556372;
   border-right-color: #556372;

.rtl .pollbar3 {
   border-left-color: #556372;

.pollbar4 {
   background-color: #556372;
   border-bottom-color: #556372;
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.rtl .pollbar4 {
   border-left-color: #556372;

.pollbar5 {
   background-color: #556372;
   border-bottom-color: #556372;
   border-right-color: #556372;

.rtl .pollbar5 {
   border-left-color: #556372;

/* Poster profile block
.postprofile {
   color: #ffffff;
   border-color: #FFFFFF;

.pm .postprofile {
   border-color: #FFFFFF;

.postprofile strong {
   color: #ffffff;

.online {
   background-image: none;

dd.profile-warnings {
   color: #BC2A4D;

Colours and backgrounds for buttons.css
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
.button {
   background-color: #3C4855;
   color: #FFFFFF;
.search-box button.search-icon {
   background-color: #3C4855;
.headerbar .search-box button.search-icon {
   background-color: #3C4855;
.headerbar .search-box button.search-icon:hover,
.headerbar .search-box input#keywords:focus + button.search-icon {
   background-color: #222C37;
.headerbar .search-box button.search-icon:hover:before,
.headerbar .search-box input#keywords:focus + button.search-icon:before {
   opacity: 1;
.search-box a.button.search-adv-icon {
   background-color: #3C4855;
.headerbar .search-box a.button.search-adv-icon:hover,
.headerbar .search-box input#keywords:focus + button.search-icon {
   background-color: #222C37;

.post-icon, .newpm-icon, .reply-all,
.pmreply-icon, .forwardpm-icon {
   background-color: #3C4855;
   border: solid 3px #3C4855;
.post-icon:hover, .newpm-icon:hover, .reply-all:hover,
.pmreply-icon:hover, .forwardpm-icon:hover {
   background-color: #FFFFFF !important;
   border-color: #3C4855;
   color: #3C4855;
form#login p > .button2 {
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   border: 3px solid #FF3800;
   color: #FFFFFF;
form#login p > .button2:hover {
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   border: 3px solid #FF3800;
   color: #FF3800;
.dropdown-select {
   color: #FFFFFF;

.button:hover, .dropdown-visible .dropdown-select, .nojs .dropdown-container:hover .dropdown-select {
   background-color: #727D89;

.dropdown-select:after   {border-color: #556372;}
.dropdown-select:hover   {border-color: #9ACCC8;}

.dropdown-visible .dropdown-select, .dropdown-visible .dropdown-select:hover, .nojs .dropdown-container:hover .dropdown-select {
   border-color: #A6B2BA;
   color: #FFFFFF;

.contact-icons a      { border-color: #EBEBEB; }
.contact-icons a:hover   { background-color: #EAEDF1; }

/* Icon images
---------------------------------------- */

.icon-acp:before, #nav-main > .icon-acp > a:before, .icon-faq > a:before, .icon-home:before, .icon-logout:before, #nav-main > .icon-logout > a:before, .icon-mcp > a:before, .icon-notification > a:first-child:before, .icon-pm > a:first-child:before, .icon-register > a:before {
   color: #79BFB5;
.icon-bookmark:before, .icon-bump:before, .icon-contact:before, .icon-delete-cookies:before, .icon-download:before, .dropdown-contents .icon-logout:before, .icon-mark:before, .icon-members:before, .icon-pages:before, .icon-print:before, .icon-profile:before, .icon-search:before, .responsive-search a:before, .icon-search-active:before, .icon-search-new:before, .icon-search-self:before, .icon-search-unanswered:before, .icon-search-unread:before, .icon-sendemail:before, .icon-subscribe:before, .icon-team:before, .icon-ucp:before, .icon-unsubscribe:before {
   color: #A7A7A7;
.dropdown-contents > .small-icon.clone a:before,
.dropdown-contents > .clone:before,
.dropdown-contents > .small-icon.clone:before {
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#page-footer-links li:not(.clone):before {
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#nav-main > .icon-acp:before      { content: none !important; }
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.icon-bump:before         { content:"\f256" !important; }
.icon-contact:before      { content:"\f0e0" !important; }
.icon-delete-cookies:before   { content:"\f1f8" !important; }
.icon-download            { background-image: url("./images/icon_download.gif"); }
.icon-faq > a:before      { content:"\f059" !important; }
.icon-logout:before         { content:"\f011" !important; }
#nav-main > .icon-logout > a:before      { content:"\f084" !important; }
#nav-main > .icon-logout:before         { content: none !important; }
.icon-mark:before         { content:"\f058" !important; }
.icon-mcp > a:before      { content:"\f06e" !important; }
.icon-members:before      { content:"\f007" !important; }
.icon-notification         { background-image: none; }
.icon-notification > a:first-child:before   { content:"\f0a2" !important; }
.icon-pages               { background-image: url("./images/icon_pages.gif"); }
.icon-pm > a:first-child:before         { content:"\f003" !important; }
.icon-print:before         { content:"\f02f" !important; }
.icon-profile:before      { content:"\f007" !important; }
.icon-register > a:before   { content:"\f234" !important; }
.icon-search:before, .responsive-search a:before   { content:"\f002" !important; }
.icon-search-active:before   { content:"\f27a" !important; }
.icon-search-new:before      { content:"\f24d" !important; }
.icon-search-self:before   { content:"\f016" !important; }
.icon-search-unanswered:before   { content:"\f15c" !important; }
.icon-search-unread:before   { content:"\f15b" !important; }
.icon-sendemail:before      { content:"\f0e0" !important; }
.icon-subscribe:before      { content:"\f046" !important; }
.icon-team:before         { content:"\f0c0" !important; }
.icon-ucp:before         { content:"\f013" !important; }
.icon-unsubscribe:before   { content:"\f057" !important; }

/* Profile & navigation icons */
.contact-icon                                       { background-image: url("./images/icons_contact.svg"); }
.icon-button:before                                    { /*background-image: url("./images/icons_button.png");*/ }

.dropdown-select:after                                 { content:"\f078"; }

/* Forum icons & Topic icons */
.global_read                                       { background-image: url("./images/announce_read.svg"); }
.global_read_mine                                    { background-image: url("./images/announce_read_mine.svg"); }
.global_read_locked                                    { background-image: url("./images/announce_read_locked.svg"); }
.global_read_locked_mine                              { background-image: url("./images/announce_read_locked_mine.svg"); }
.global_unread                                       { background-image: url("./images/announce_unread.svg"); }
.global_unread_mine                                    { background-image: url("./images/announce_unread_mine.svg"); }
.global_unread_locked                                 { background-image: url("./images/announce_unread_locked.svg"); }
.global_unread_locked_mine                              { background-image: url("./images/announce_unread_locked_mine.svg"); }

.announce_read                                       { background-image: url("./images/announce_read.svg"); }
.announce_read_mine                                    { background-image: url("./images/announce_read_mine.svg"); }
.announce_read_locked                                 { background-image: url("./images/announce_read_locked.svg"); }
.announce_read_locked_mine                              { background-image: url("./images/announce_read_locked_mine.svg"); }
.announce_unread                                    { background-image: url("./images/announce_unread.svg"); }
.announce_unread_mine                                 { background-image: url("./images/announce_unread_mine.svg"); }
.announce_unread_locked                                 { background-image: url("./images/announce_unread_locked.svg"); }
.announce_unread_locked_mine                           { background-image: url("./images/announce_unread_locked_mine.svg"); }

.forum_link                                          { background-image: url("./images/forum_link.svg"); }
.forum_read                                          { background-image: url("./images/forum_read.svg"); }
.forum_read_locked                                    { background-image: url("./images/forum_read_locked.svg"); }
.forum_read_subforum                                 { background-image: url("./images/forum_read_subforum.svg"); }
.forum_unread                                       { background-image: url("./images/forum_unread.svg"); }
.forum_unread_locked                                 { background-image: url("./images/forum_unread_locked.svg"); }
.forum_unread_subforum                                 { background-image: url("./images/forum_unread_subforum.svg"); }

.sticky_read                                       { background-image: url("./images/sticky_read.svg"); }
.sticky_read_mine                                    { background-image: url("./images/sticky_read_mine.svg"); }
.sticky_read_locked                                    { background-image: url("./images/sticky_read_locked.svg"); }
.sticky_read_locked_mine                              { background-image: url("./images/sticky_read_locked_mine.svg"); }
.sticky_unread                                       { background-image: url("./images/sticky_unread.svg"); }
.sticky_unread_mine                                    { background-image: url("./images/sticky_unread_mine.svg"); }
.sticky_unread_locked                                 { background-image: url("./images/sticky_unread_locked.svg"); }
.sticky_unread_locked_mine                              { background-image: url("./images/sticky_unread_locked_mine.svg"); }

.topic_moved                                       { background-image: url("./images/topic_moved.svg"); }
.topic_read                                          { background-image: url("./images/topic_read.svg"); }
.topic_read_mine                                    { background-image: url("./images/topic_read_mine.svg"); }
.topic_read_hot                                       { background-image: url("./images/topic_read_hot.svg"); }
.topic_read_hot_mine                                 { background-image: url("./images/topic_read_hot_mine.svg"); }
.topic_read_locked                                    { background-image: url("./images/topic_read_locked.svg"); }
.topic_read_locked_mine                                 { background-image: url("./images/topic_read_locked_mine.svg"); }
.topic_unread                                       { background-image: url("./images/topic_unread.svg"); }
.topic_unread_mine                                    { background-image: url("./images/topic_unread_mine.svg"); }
.topic_unread_hot                                    { background-image: url("./images/topic_unread_hot.svg"); }
.topic_unread_hot_mine                                 { background-image: url("./images/topic_unread_hot_mine.svg"); }
.topic_unread_locked                                 { background-image: url("./images/topic_unread_locked.svg"); }
.topic_unread_locked_mine                              { background-image: url("./images/topic_unread_locked_mine.svg"); }

.pm_read                                          { background-image: url("./images/topic_read.svg"); }
.pm_unread                                          { background-image: url("./images/topic_unread.svg"); }

Colours and backgrounds for cp.css
-------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* Main CP box

.panel-container h3, .panel-container hr, #cp-menu hr {
   border-color: #EBEBEB;

.panel-container .panel li.row {
   border-bottom-color: #F5F5F5;
   border-top-color: transparent;

ul.cplist {


.panel-container .panel li.header dd, .panel-container .panel li.header dt,
.panel-container .panel li.header dd a, .panel-container .panel li.header dt a {
   color: #FFFFFF;

.panel-container table.table1 thead th {
   color: #FFFFFF;
   border-bottom-color: transparent;
   background-color: #005554;

#cp-main .pm-message {
   border-color: #DBDEE2;
   background-color: #FFFFFF;

/* CP tabbed menu
#tabs .tab > a {
   background-color: #556372;
   color: #FFFFFF;

#tabs .tab > a:hover {
   opacity: .7;

#tabs .activetab > a,
#tabs .activetab > a:hover {
   background-color: #FFFFFF;
   color: #333333;
   opacity: 1;

#tabs .activetab > a:hover {
   color: #000000;

/* Mini tabbed menu used in MCP
#minitabs .tab > a {
   background-color: #323A45;
   color: #FFFFFF;

#minitabs .activetab > a,
#minitabs .activetab > a:hover {
   background-color: #F9F9F9;
   color: #333333;

/* Responsive tabs
.responsive-tab .responsive-tab-link:before {
   border-color: #FFFFFF;

.responsive-tab .responsive-tab-link:hover:before {
   border-color: #FFFFFF;
#tabs .activetab > .responsive-tab-link:before,
#tabs .activetab > .responsive-tab-link:hover:before {
   border-color: #333333;

/* UCP navigation menu

/* Link styles for the sub-section links */
#navigation a {
   color: #FFFFFF;
   background: #556372;

.rtl #navigation a {
   background: #323A45;

#navigation a:hover {
   opacity: 0.7;

#navigation #active-subsection a {
   background: #F5F5F5;
   color: #333333;

#navigation #active-subsection a:hover {
   color: #333333;
   opacity: 1;

/* Preferences pane layout
.panel-container h2 {
   color: #FFFFFF;

.panel-container .panel {
   background-color: #F9F9F9;
#file-list-container.panel {
   background-color: transparent;
#cp-main .pm {
   background-color: #F5F5F5;
#cp-main .panel {
   background-color: #222C37;
/* Friends list */
.cp-mini {
   background-color: #FFFFFF;

dl.mini dt {
   color: #425067;

/* PM Styles
/* PM Message history */
.current {
   color: #000000 !important;

/* PM marking colours */
.pmlist li.pm_message_reported_colour, .pm_message_reported_colour {
   border-left-color: #BC2A4D;
   border-right-color: #BC2A4D;

.pmlist li.pm_marked_colour, .pm_marked_colour {
   border-color: #FF6600;

.pmlist li.pm_replied_colour, .pm_replied_colour {
   border-color: #A9B8C2;

.pmlist li.pm_friend_colour, .pm_friend_colour {
   border-color: #5D8FBD;

.pmlist li.pm_foe_colour, .pm_foe_colour {
   border-color: #000000;

/* Avatar gallery */
#gallery label {
   background: #FFFFFF;
   border-color: #CCC;

#gallery label:hover {
   background-color: #EEE;

Colours and backgrounds for forms.css
-------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* General form styles
select {
   border-color: #DADADA;
   background-color: #FAFAFA;

label {
   /*color: #425067;*/

option.disabled-option {
   color: graytext;

/* Definition list layout for forms
---------------------------------------- */
dd label {
   color: #FFF;

fieldset.fields1 {
   background-color: transparent;

/* Hover effects */
fieldset dl:hover dt label {
   color: #CECECE;

fieldset.fields2 dl:hover dt label {
   color: inherit;

/* Quick-login on index page */
fieldset.quick-login input.inputbox {
   background-color: #F2F3F3;

/* Posting page styles

#message-box textarea {
   color: #333333;

#message-box textarea.drag-n-drop {
   outline-color: rgba(102, 102, 102, 0.5);

#message-box textarea.drag-n-drop-highlight {
   outline-color: rgba(17, 163, 234, 0.5);

/* Input field styles
---------------------------------------- */
.inputbox {
   background-color: #F5F5F5;
   border-color: #DADADA;
   color: #333333;

.inputbox:-moz-placeholder {
   color: #333333;
.search-header input#keywords::-moz-placeholder {
   color: #8494A3;
   opacity: 1 !important;
.inputbox::-webkit-input-placeholder {
   color: #333333;
.search-header input#keywords::-webkit-input-placeholder {
   color: #8494A3;

.inputbox:hover {
   border-color: #DADADA;
   background-color: #FFFFFF;

.inputbox:focus {
   border-color: #DADADA;
   background-color: #FFFFFF;

.inputbox:focus:-moz-placeholder {
   color: transparent;

.inputbox:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder {
   color: transparent;

/* Form button styles
---------------------------------------- */

a.button1, input.button1, input.button3 {
   background-color: #00A0A0;
   border: 3px solid #00A0A0;
   color: #FFFFFF;
a.button2, input.button2 {
    background-color: #00A0A0;
    color: #FFFFFF;
    border-color: #00A0A0;
.button2#refresh_vc {
    background-color: #FF3800;
    border: transparent;   
a.button1, input.button1 {
   /*! border-color: #666666; */

input.button3 {
   background-image: none;

/* Alternative button */
a.button2, input.button2, input.button3 {
   border-color: #DADADA;

/* <a> button in the style of the form buttons */
a.button1, a.button2 {
   color: #FFFFFF;

/* Hover states */
/*a.button1:hover, input.button1:hover, a.button2:hover, input.button2:hover, */input.button3:hover {
   color: #FFFFFF;
   opacity: .7;
a.button1:hover, input.button1:hover {
    background-color: #FFFFFF;
    /*border: 3px solid #19E3B1;*/
    color: #000000;
a.button2:hover, input.button2:hover {
    background-color: #FFFFFF;
    /*border: 3px solid #FF3800;*/
    color: #000000;

/* Focus states */
input.button1:focus, input.button2:focus, input.button3:focus {
   /*color: #FFFFFF;*/

input.search {
   /*background-image: url("./images/icon_textbox_search.gif");*/

input.disabled {
   color: #666666;

/* jQuery popups
---------------------------------------- */
.phpbb_alert {
   background-color: #FFFFFF;
.phpbb_alert .alert_close {
.phpbb_alert .alert_close:before {
   font-family: FontAwesome;
   content: "\f057";
   font-size: 20px;
   color: #A7A7A7;
   display: inline-block;
.phpbb_alert .alert_close:hover:before {
   color: #FF3800;
#darken {
   background-color: #000000;

#loading_indicator {
   background-color: #000000;
   background-image: url("./images/loading.gif");

.dropdown-extended ul li {
   border-top-color: #E5E5E5;

.dropdown-extended ul li:hover {
   background-color: #EAEDF1;

.dropdown-extended .header, .dropdown-extended .footer {
   color: #FFFFFF;

.dropdown-extended .footer {
   border-top-style: solid;
   border-top-width: 1px;
   background-color: #FF3800;

.dropdown-extended .header {
   background: #026362;
   color: #FFFFFF !important;

.dropdown-extended .header a,
.dropdown-extended .footer a {
   color: #FFFFFF;

.dropdown .pointer {
   border-color: #E3E3E3 transparent;

.icon-notification .dropdown .pointer {
   border-color: #026362 transparent;

.dropdown .pointer-inner {
   border-color: #FFF transparent;

.dropdown-extended .pointer-inner {
   border-color: #026362 transparent;

ul.linklist li.responsive-menu a.responsive-menu-link:before {
   color: #FF3800;

/*ul.linklist li.responsive-menu a.responsive-menu-link:hover:before, ul.linklist li.responsive-menu.visible a.responsive-menu-link:before {
   color: #FE9B0E;
ul#nav-main.linklist li.responsive-menu a.responsive-menu-link {
   background-color: #556372;
   border-bottom-color: #727D89;
ul.linklist li.responsive-menu a.responsive-menu-link:before {
   color: #FFFFFF;
   opacity: .7;
ul.linklist li.responsive-menu a.responsive-menu-link:hover:before,
ul.linklist li.responsive-menu.dropdown-visible a.responsive-menu-link:before {
   opacity: 1;

.dropdown .dropdown-contents {
   background: #3C4855;
   border-color: #b9b9b9;
   box-shadow: 1px 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);

.dropdown-up .dropdown-contents {
   box-shadow: 1px 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);

.dropdown li, .dropdown li li {
   border-color: #DCDCDC;

.dropdown li.separator {
   border-color: #DCDCDC;

/* Notifications
---------------------------------------- */

.notification_list p.notification-time {
   color: #323A45;

li.notification-reported strong, li.notification-disapproved strong {
   color: #D31141;

/* Ajouts par Pitou */

.pagination {
   color: #FFFFFF;
.stat-block p {
    background-color: #162331;

Code : Tout sélectionner

/* Form Styles
---------------------------------------- */

/* General form styles
fieldset {
	border-width: 0;
	font-family: 'Noto Sans', sans-serif;
	font-size: 1em;

input {
	font-weight: normal;
	vertical-align: baseline;
	padding: 0 3px;
	font-size: 1em;
	font-family: 'Noto Sans', sans-serif;

select {
	font-family: 'Noto Sans', sans-serif;
	font-weight: normal;
	cursor: pointer;
	vertical-align: middle;
	border: 1px solid transparent;
	padding: 5px;
	font-size: 1em;

select:focus {
	outline-style: none;

option {
	padding-right: 1em;

select optgroup option {
	padding-right: 1em;
	font-family: 'Noto Sans', sans-serif;

textarea {
	font-family: 'Noto Sans', sans-serif;
	width: 60%;
	padding: 2px;
	font-size: 1em;
	line-height: 1.4em;

label {
	cursor: default;
	padding-right: 5px;

label input {
	vertical-align: middle;

label img {
	vertical-align: middle;

/* Definition list layout for forms
---------------------------------------- */
fieldset dl {
	padding: 10px 0;

fieldset dt {
	float: left;
	width: 40%;
	text-align: left;
	display: block;

fieldset dd {
	margin-left: 41%;
	vertical-align: top;
	margin-bottom: 3px;

/* Specific layout 1 */
fieldset.fields1 dt {
	width: 15em;
	border-right-width: 0;
	padding-right: 10px;
	box-sizing: border-box;

fieldset.fields1 dd {
	margin-left: 15em;
	border-left-width: 0;

fieldset.fields1 div {
	margin-bottom: 3px;

/* Set it back to 0px for the reCaptcha divs: PHPBB3-9587 */
fieldset.fields1 #recaptcha_widget_div div, fieldset.fields1 .live-search div {
	margin-bottom: 0;

/* Specific layout 2 */
fieldset.fields2 dt {
	width: 15em;
	border-right-width: 0;

fieldset.fields2 dd {
	margin-left: 16em;
	border-left-width: 0;

/* Form elements */
dt label {
	text-align: left;
	font-weight: bold;

dd label {
	white-space: nowrap;

dd input, dd textarea {
	margin-right: 3px;

dd select {
	width: auto;

dd select[multiple] {
	width: 100%;

dd textarea {
	width: 85%;

/* Hover effects */
#timezone {
	width: 95%;

/* Quick-login on index page */
fieldset.quick-login {
	margin-top: 5px;

fieldset.quick-login input {
	width: auto;

fieldset.quick-login input.inputbox {
	width: 15%;
	vertical-align: middle;
	margin-right: 5px;

fieldset.quick-login label {
	white-space: nowrap;
	padding-right: 2px;

/* Display options on viewtopic/viewforum pages  */
fieldset.display-options {
	text-align: center;
	margin: 3px 0 5px 0;
#cp-main fieldset.display-options {
	margin-left: 20px;
	margin-bottom: 20px;
fieldset.display-options label {
	white-space: nowrap;
	padding-right: 2px;

fieldset.display-options a {
	margin-top: 3px;

/* Display actions for ucp and mcp pages */
fieldset.display-actions {
	text-align: right;
	line-height: 2em;
	white-space: nowrap;
	/*padding-right: 1em;*/

fieldset.display-actions label {
	white-space: nowrap;
	padding-right: 2px;

fieldset.sort-options {
	line-height: 2em;

/* MCP forum selection*/
fieldset.forum-selection {
	margin: 5px 0 3px 0;
	float: right;

fieldset.forum-selection2 {
	margin: 13px 0 3px 0;
	float: right;

/* Submit button fieldset */
fieldset.submit-buttons {
	text-align: center;
	vertical-align: middle;
	margin: 10px 0;

fieldset.submit-buttons input {
    border: medium none;
    cursor: pointer;
    display: inline-block;
    font-size: 13px;
    height: 40px;
    line-height: 32px;
    outline-style: none !important;
    position: relative;
    text-decoration: none !important;
    vertical-align: bottom;
    white-space: nowrap;
fieldset.submit-buttons + .panel {
	margin-top: 20px;
/* Posting page styles

/* Buttons used in the editor */
#format-buttons {
	margin: 15px 0 2px 0;

#format-buttons input, #format-buttons select {
	vertical-align: middle;

/* Main message box */
#message-box {
	width: 80%;

#message-box textarea {
	font-family: 'Noto Sans', sans-serif;
	width: 450px;
	height: 270px;
	min-width: 100%;
	max-width: 100%;
	/*font-size: 1.2em;*/
	resize: vertical;
	outline: 3px dashed transparent;
	outline-offset: -4px;
	-webkit-transition: all .5s ease;
	-moz-transition: all .5s ease;
	-ms-transition: all .5s ease;
	-o-transition: all .5s ease;
	transition: all .5s ease;

/* Emoticons panel */
#smiley-box {
	width: 18%;
	float: right;

#smiley-box img {
	margin: 3px;

/* Input field styles
---------------------------------------- */
.inputbox {
	border: 1px solid transparent;
	padding: 9px 10px;
	box-sizing: border-box;

.inputbox:hover, .inputbox:focus {
	border: 1px solid transparent;
	outline-style: none;

input.inputbox	{ width: 85%; }
input.medium	{ width: 50%; }
input.narrow	{ width: 25%; }
input.tiny	{ width: 210px; }

textarea.inputbox {
	width: 85%;

.autowidth {
	width: auto !important;

input[type="number"] {
	-moz-padding-end: inherit;

input[type="search"] {
	-webkit-appearance: textfield;
	-webkit-box-sizing: content-box;

input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration, input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-results-button, input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-results-decoration {
	display: none;

input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button {
	cursor: pointer;

/* Form button styles
---------------------------------------- */
input.button1, input.button2 {
	font-size: 1em;

a.button1, input.button1, input.button3, a.button2, input.button2 {
	width: auto !important;
	font-family: 'Noto Sans', sans-serif;
	background: transparent none repeat-x top left;
	height: 36px;
	/*line-height: 32px;*/
	margin-bottom: 0;
	padding: 0 20px;
	vertical-align: middle;
    margin-bottom: 0;

.button2#refresh_vc {
	-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
	-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
	box-sizing: border-box;
	height: 36px;
	width: 36px;
	padding: 0 10px;

a.button1, input.button1 {
	font-weight: normal;
	height: 36px;
	/*line-height: 32px;*/
	margin-bottom: 0;
	padding: 0 20px;
	vertical-align: middle;

input.button3 {
	padding: 0;
	margin: 0;
	line-height: 5px;
	height: 12px;
	background-image: none;

input[type="button"], input[type="submit"], input[type="reset"], input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"] {
	cursor: pointer;

/* Alternative button */
a.button2, input.button2, input.button3 {

/* <a> button in the style of the form buttons */
a.button1, a.button1:link, a.button1:visited, a.button1:active, a.button2, a.button2:link, a.button2:visited, a.button2:active {
	/*text-decoration: none;
	padding: 2px 8px;
	line-height: 250%;
	vertical-align: text-bottom;
	background-position: 0 1px;*/

	border: medium none;
	cursor: pointer;
	display: inline-block;
	font-size: 13px;
	height: 34px;
	line-height: 34px;
	outline-style: none !important;
	position: relative;
	text-decoration: none !important;
	vertical-align: bottom;
	white-space: nowrap;

/* Hover states */
a.button1:hover, input.button1:hover, a.button2:hover, input.button2:hover, input.button3:hover {
	background-position: 0 100%;

input.disabled {
	font-weight: normal;

/* Focus states */
input.button1:focus, input.button2:focus, input.button3:focus {
	outline-style: none;

/* Topic and forum Search */
.search-box {
	float: left;

.search-box .inputbox {
	background-image: none;
	border: 0;
	float: left;
	height: 40px;
	padding: 10px;
	-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
	-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
	box-sizing: border-box;
.headerbar .search-box .inputbox {
	line-height: 46px !important;
	padding: 0 10px !important;
	height: 46px;
	width: 200px;

.search-box button {
	float: left;

.search-box button.search-icon {
	font-size: 0;
	height: 40px;
	width: 40px;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0px;
.headerbar .search-box button.search-icon,
.headerbar .search-box a.button.search-adv-icon {
	height: 46px;
	width: 46px;
.search-box a.button.search-adv-icon {
	border-left-width: 0;
	-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
	-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
	box-sizing: border-box;
	height: 40px;
	width: 40px;
	padding: 0;

.search-box a.button {
	border-left-width: 0;
	font-size: 0;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 2px 5px 2px 3px;

/* Search box (header)
--------------------------------------------- */
.search-header {
	display: block;
	float: right;
	margin-top: 40px;

/*.search-header .inputbox { border: 0; }*/

.search-header button {
	border-top: 0;
	border-bottom: 0;

.search-header a.button {
	border: 0;
	border-left: 1px;
	padding: 3px 5px 3px 4px;

input.search {
	background-image: none;
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
	background-position: left 1px;
	padding-left: 17px;

.full { width: 95%; }
.medium { width: 50%;}
.narrow { width: 25%;}
.tiny { width: 10%;}

Code : Tout sélectionner

/* Body background
---------------------------------------- */

/* Main block 
---------------------------------------- */

#page-body {
	background-color: #222C37;
	padding-left: 20px;
	padding-right: 20px;
	padding-top: 20px;

/* Popup Login
---------------------------------------- */

#mask {
	display: none;
	background: #000; 
	position: fixed; left: 0; top: 0; 
	z-index: 10;
	width: 100%; height: 100%;
	opacity: 0.6;
	z-index: 999;

.login-popup {
	display: none;
	width: 300px;
	background: #FFFFFF;
	padding: 20px 20px 0; 	
	float: left;
	font-size: 1em;
	position: fixed;
	top: 50%; left: 50%;
	z-index: 99999;
	box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px #434343; /* CSS3 */
	-moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px #434343; /* Firefox */
	-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px #434343; /* Safari, Chrome */
#navbar_password {
	width: 300px;
	padding: 0 10px;
	height: 40px;
	line-height: 40px;
	outline: none !important;
	box-sizing: border-box;
#navbar_username {
	background-position: 12px 0;

.navbar_password_outer {
	padding: 10px 0;
#login-box .quick-login {
	margin-bottom: 5px;
#login-box #autologin_label {
	cursor: pointer;
#login-box .login-footer {
	padding: 15px 20px;
	margin: 0 -20px;
	background-color: #005554;
#login-box .login-footer a {
	color: #FFFFFF;
.rtl #login-box .register-link {
.rtl #login-box .restore-password {
	float: left;
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/* Notifications
---------------------------------------- */

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/* Navbar
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/* Misc
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Screens :

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Sujet :

J'ai juste un problème avec les bulles de discutions dans les listes de sujets qui disparaissent lors de ma prévisualisation, alors que je ne touche pas à leurs paramètres :nono:
On dit LE WiFi ! Y'en a marre !

Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages : 8805
Inscription : 30 Juil 2011 13:57
Contact :

Re: Un Thème pour le forum

Message par Max » 05 Mars 2016 14:13

Impec, je vais tester tout cela voir cette histoire de bulles qui ne semblent pas s'afficher ;)
Pas d'aide par MP, le forum est là pour ça.
En cas de doute sur les bonnes pratiques à adopter sur le forum, consulter la Charte et sa FAQ


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