[Playmaker] PB? Can we do such a thing without scripting ?

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Messages : 1
Inscription : 20 Jan 2016 15:58

[Playmaker] PB? Can we do such a thing without scripting ?

Message par speccy » 20 Jan 2016 16:09

Hi all, I have some problem in advanced use of PLAYMAKER in unity.
I began a simple game to test the monty paradox problem (see in internet).

The program shows 3 closed doors with one treasure behind only one.
You select one door and the program opens another door without any treasure before you open your selected door.
Then It proposes to you to keep your choice or try the other door by clicking on the door.

In the algorithm, I want a “manager” that do actions according to a global variable.
For example, if a first door has been selected, the computer opens another door;

a state with a transition which is the global variable “FirstDoorSelected”
If FirstDoorSelected=true then Gameobject.EnableFSM(FSM2)=true…leads to the animation of the door opening.

So the playmaker script has to react to a click on a door and do different things according to the global variable states

More generally, I probably need to use conditions IF….. but cannot find on internet or forums any accurate ideas…. (I watched all Hutong tutorial Videos, here no triggers to set a variable!)

I do not want to use script if possible which seems to be possible with Playmaker for such a simple program.... :ghee:

Do you have any idea?

Jean Marc

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Re: [Playmaker] PB? Can we do such a thing without scripting ?

Message par boubouk50 » 20 Jan 2016 16:47

speccy a écrit :Hi all, I have some problem in advanced use of PLAYMAKER in unity...
vous êtes ici sur un forum français, qui a pour but d'aider les non anglophones, puisque l'aide d'Unity est en anglais.
Merci de traduire votre demande en français pour que la communauté francophone puisse en profiter.
"Ce n'est pas en améliorant la bougie, que l'on a inventé l'ampoule, c'est en marchant longtemps."
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Re: [Playmaker] PB? Can we do such a thing without scripting ?

Message par jeanfabre » 03 Fév 2016 12:55


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Et mettez ici le lien, j'y repondrais.

Bonne journée,



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