Unity 4.6

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Re: Unity 4.6

Message par Max » 20 Fév 2015 09:50

bizarre en effet. Tu n'as toujours par réussi à l'installer au fait du coup ?
Pas d'aide par MP, le forum est là pour ça.
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Re: Unity 4.6

Message par ZJP » 20 Fév 2015 21:33

Max a écrit :bizarre en effet. Tu n'as toujours par réussi à l'installer au fait du coup ?
Si, en téléchargeant d'un autre poste + clef USB. :? Cela dit, je n'ai pas encore essayé la 4.6.3. :mrgreen:

Edit :
C'est "ok" avec la 4.6.3 :D

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Inscription : 19 Sep 2013 05:50

Re: Unity 4.6

Message par LudlowFx » 26 Fév 2015 16:14

Le premier patch pour la version 4.6.3(p1) est disponible. Avec l'annonce du deuxième patch pour la semaine prochaine !



Support for Intel RealSense plugin in Unity Free.


iOS/Metal: Optimized static batching and dynamic geometry handling.


iOS: Bumped the lowest supported iOS version to 5.1 due to Apple's requirements.
Input: Changed Input.GetJoystickNames() on Windows to always match names to joystick numbers, similar to most other platforms.


(673733) - AI: Fixed potential hang when NavMesh connecting wrong side of thin polygons to neighbor tile.
(671823) - Asset Management: Show the path to the YAML meta file when there is an error reading it.
(671820) - Editor: Fixed scene view Show Mips visualization.
(670887) - IL2CPP / Raknet : Fixed RPC call registration not working on IL2CPP backend.
(669983) - iOS/IL2CPP: Allow the LogInAsync method in the ParseSDK to work correctly.
(667476) - iOS/IL2CPP: Always initialize type information before accessing static fields.
(none) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed Array.CopyTo() fast path, which was doing the wrong thing when the source array was a value type and destination array was not.
(674680), (674310) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed a problem with shift operators, resulting in problems with MD5 calculation, crypto, amongst other things.
(670763) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed a case where having throw statement at the end of a method would cause IL2CPP to crash.
(670763) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed array marshaling when passing an incorrect argument.
(672704) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed code generation for delegates having parameters tagged with the Out attribute.
(673787) - iOS/IL2CPP: Handle NULL const string values.
(671597) - iOS/IL2CPP: Handle out and ref marshaling of a delegate with a struct that has no instance fields.
(671790) - iOS/IL2CPP: Implemented Assembly.GlobalAssemblyCache so that is always returned false.
(667476) - iOS/IL2CPP: Implemented MethodBase.GetMethodFromHandle with two arguments for a non-generic type.
(670763) - iOS/IL2CPP: Implemented Assembly.GetName().
(670763) - iOS/IL2CPP: Implemented marshaling support for explicit struct layouts.
(670763) - iOS/IL2CPP: Implemented missing Marshal.PtrToStructure overload which takes object reference.
(671992), (667779) - iOS/IL2CPP: Implemented marshaling of the System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef type.
(674057) - iOS: Fixed iPad Mini 3rd gen detection.
(670115) - iOS: Fixed on-screen keyboard not playing nicely with forced screen orientation.
(674115), (673324) - iOS: Fixed splash screen issues in non-Pro mode.
(668511) 672455) - iOS: Improved Xcode project parser robustness for invalid input.
(none) - Mono compiler: Fixed issue with incorrect IL being generated in some cases for iterator finally blocks.
(none) - Oculus: Resolved Build Settings issue where Standalone players were not receiving the correct Build Settings when Oculus Plugin was present in project.
(none) - OpenGL ES 3: Fixed half RT formats being set to "not supported" incorrectly.
(671767) - Physics 2D: Fixed a behaviour issue in Box2D itself where non-dynamic/dynamic contacts always use continuous collision detection.
(670509) - Physics 2D: Fixed inaccurate 2D OverlapArea, OverlapAreaAll & OverlapAreaNonAlloc query methods.
(671011) - Physics 2D: Fixed incorrect calculation of fraction & distance using Physics2D BoxCast/CircleCast methods (and variants).
(673261) - Physics 2D: OnJointBreak() will no longer have garbage passed in as the breaking force. Note that under Unity 4.6, it is not possible to report the actual force the joint was subject to when it broke; OnJointBreak will be passed the joint's configured maximum force. This behaviour is fixed in Unity 5 to report the actual force that broke the joint.
(655473) - Serialization: Changed serialization of materials and OGG audio streams to eliminate non-deterministic behaviour when building players and asset bundles.
(670061) - Shadows: Fixed precision issues with large non-receiver objects in deferred.
(645835) - SpritePacker: Set SpriteAtlas Texture as Non-readable to prevent Redundant Memory Use. (SpritePacker only considers Non-readable Sprites for packing anyway).
(669893), (654565) - UI: Fixed overriding/inheriting of pixel perfect status in child canvases.
(647488) - Webplayer: Fixed Windows webplayer crash when requested window area was 0.
(638724) - Windows Phone 8: Modified MainPage.xaml.cs to account for devices that don't have hardware buttons.
(none) - Windows Phone/Windows Store Apps: Capabilities are now read correctly from manifest file.
(601528) - Windows Store Apps/Windows 8.1: When creating D3D backbuffer, Unity will take width/height from SwapChainPanel component instead of CoreWindow, SwapChainPanel's offset from CoreWindow will also be taken into account.
(664981) - Windows Store Apps/Windows Phone: Better error message when AssemblyConverter fails to resolve type.
(670811) - Windows Store Apps: Increased timeout when checking assembly compatibility.
Merci de lire et de prendre en considération la Nétiquette des Forums avant de poster un sujet !

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Messages : 1367
Inscription : 19 Sep 2013 05:50

Re: Unity 4.6

Message par LudlowFx » 05 Mars 2015 19:20

Nouveau Patch disponible : 4.6.3p2


Android: Parsing device specific xml font configurations to determine system/fallback fonts.
Editor: Android - Added the ability to configure JDK path in the Editor preferences


(645875), (647818) - Android: Fixed auto rotation, Input.acceleration and gyroscope when using Java activity.
(662911) - Android: Fixed back button crash on Samsung devices.
(668969) - Android: Fixed checkjni exception when passing array in JNI at ART.
(663535) - Android: Workaround for animation glitch with onscreen keyboard.
(662776) - Editor: Android - Fixed JDK detection when java was in PATH
(none) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed C++ compile error in some cases when using fields with the same name in a class hierarchy.
(none) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed C++ linker error in some cases when using generic method constraints.
(669257) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed null reference exception when calling TripleDES.Create.
(none) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed conversion error in obscure edge case of method overrides through metadata and signature.
(671995) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed List.FindAll().
(669987) - iOS/IL2CPP: Handle IL code which uses one local variable as an array index more than once, with different values.
(none) - iOS/IL2CPP: Corrected the C++ compiler error in generated code: "error: cast from pointer to smaller type 'il2cpp_array_size_t' (aka 'int') loses information"
(670020) - iOS/IL2CPP: Implemented the use of SizeParamIndex for marshaling.
(676039), (671616) - iOS/IL2CPP: Handle code generation for an struct which has an array of enums as a field.
(669435) - iOS/IL2CPP: Correctly write include definitions for an generic class with a const field.
(675328) - iOS/IL2CPP: Improved support for MakeGenericMethod
(675700) - Stripping: Fixed the issue which was making stripping completely disabled for Mono scripting backend.
(620111) - Webplayer: Pre-initialized OSX screenmanager so that ortghographic transforms could be initialized.
(675964) - Windows Phone/Windows Store Apps: SendMessage can now be called with Int64 value.
Merci de lire et de prendre en considération la Nétiquette des Forums avant de poster un sujet !

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Messages : 1367
Inscription : 19 Sep 2013 05:50

Re: Unity 4.6

Message par LudlowFx » 13 Mars 2015 16:03

Nouveau Patch disponible : 4.6.3p3

http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/unity- ... st-2017357

(Ils l'ont annoncé mais toujours affiché dans la page "Patch Release" à ce moment même...
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Inscription : 25 Juin 2014 12:58

Re: Unity 4.6

Message par minirop » 24 Mars 2015 17:28

Dernière édition par minirop le 25 Mars 2015 18:19, édité 1 fois.
Développeur Nintendo & PS Vita RIP PSM. Vive moi. Vive Unity. Flappikachu Vita

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Inscription : 19 Sep 2013 05:50

Re: Unity 4.6

Message par LudlowFx » 24 Mars 2015 23:16

4.6.3p4 et non p3 tu veux dire.
Merci de lire et de prendre en considération la Nétiquette des Forums avant de poster un sujet !

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Inscription : 25 Juin 2014 12:58

Re: Unity 4.6

Message par minirop » 25 Mars 2015 18:19

LudlowFx a écrit :4.6.3p4 et non p3 tu veux dire.
merci le copier/coller >__<
Développeur Nintendo & PS Vita RIP PSM. Vive moi. Vive Unity. Flappikachu Vita

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Messages : 1367
Inscription : 19 Sep 2013 05:50

Re: Unity 4.6

Message par LudlowFx » 01 Avr 2015 17:15

Nouveau Patch 4.6.4p1 est disponible ! http://unity3d.com/unity/qa/patch-releases

UI: Allow dragging anchors outside of bounds of parent when holding down Ctrl (Cmd on Mac) - the same key that disables snapping. This makes it easier to author screen transitions that support multiple resolutions, since content can be animated to move a distance that's a percentage of the screen width or height.
UI: Avoid rebatching when moving a Nested Canvas.
(677613) - Audio: Fixed the "Disable Audio" option; the flag is now correctly used by the standalone player to disable the audio system.
(668622) - IMGUI: Fixed calculation of TextGenerator vertices position when lineSpacing is 0.
(683671), (683658) - iOS/IL2CPP: Added a null terminator to string arrays when they were marshaled.
(683461) - iOS/IL2CPP: Corrected the behavior of CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture.
(none) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed a number of problems related to WebRequest and asynchronous I/O:
Fixed socket I/O requests getting stuck in ThreadPool on POSIX/iOS.
Fixed race condition in Monitor code that lead to 5 second stalls in Monitor.Exit().
Fixed ThreadPool not re-using idle worker threads (lead to potentially very high memory consumption and bad performance).
Fixed ThreadPool upper thread count limits being very low; now roughly the same as on Mono.
Fixed ThreadPool.SetMinThreads() and SetMaxThreads() having no effect.
(677402) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed an issue with open delegates that returned void.
(673828), (679044), (681132) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed crashes in socket code due to sockets being destroyed too early and prevent Thread.IsAlive from returning true after thread has terminated.
(682258) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed a crash with StrangeIOC.
(676847), (680379), (672199) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed issues with exception thrown from DateTime constructor, DateTime ToUniversalTime, DateTime ToLocalTime, DateTime IsDaylightSavingTime.
(669282) - iOS/IL2CPP: Handle 4D arrays.
(none) - iOS/IL2CPP: Handle delegate invoke with nested delegates where the method which is invoked on the outer delegate is a static method.
(675298) - iOS/IL2CPP: Handle custom attributes with generic types and arrays of generic types.
(none) - iOS/IL2CPP: Now support Type.MakeGenericType for runtime creation of generic types where the generic arguments are reference types.
(none) - iOS/IL2CPP: Type.GetType throws an ArgumentException now when the provided type name was wrong.
(none) - iOS/ILCPP: Do not emit metadata for generic types at compile time. This significantly decreases the size of the final binary in most cases.
(none) - iOS: Added Xcode 6.2 compatibility.
(681778) - iOS: Fixed memory corruption and crash initiated by calling WebCamTexture.Stop().
(none) - OSX Editor: Avoid App Nap mode in editor's batch mode, so build performance doesn't degrade.
(648782) - Rendering: Now the back buffer is cleared after the resolution is changed from a script in Windows standalone.
(none) - UI: Caret on InputField now blinks at proper frequency.
(643948) - UI: Clamp setting canvas group alpha between 0-1 on API call.
(none) - UI: Destroying a RectTransform that is queued to for a layout rebuild would freeze unity.
(673538) - UI: Fixed instantiating a prefab containing a Selectables will not throw console errors.
(635900) - UI: Fixed an issue where the pointer click world position/normal might not be properly associated with the event if multiple modules or hits were present.
(672653) - UI: Fixed Mac-only crash during Canvas sorting.
(636209) - UI: Fixed nested masking not getting the correct stencil value and failing.
(663249), (663250) - UI: Fixed a bug where multiple Layout Group components on the same GameObject were not prevented even though it was not supported.
(669637) - UI: Fixed bug which caused caret to no longer appear in InputField after game object was deactivated and reactivated.
(667690) - UI: Fixed division by zero bug in GridLayoutGroup.
(669156) - UI: Only do cut, copy, paste, and select all if holding down just Ctrl (Cmd on Mac), not if additional modifier keys are also held down. This prevents these actions from happening when intending to type characters that use Ctrl (Cmd on Mac) as part of the key combination.
(669227) - UI: Prevent out of range exception that happened in InputField under certain circumstances due to an unwanted recursive call.
(634179) - UI: UI items now work with Scene View searching.
(662200) - Windows Store Apps/Windows Phone 8: When unloading unused assets or switching to another scene, prefabs will be correctly reloaded and won't loose references. Previous behavior was - sometimes textures, mono behaviors, etc in prefabs would be lost, this would result for e.g., in textures not showing up in objects instantiated from prefabs.
(674666) - Windows Store Apps/Windows Phone: Fixed NullReferenceException in SerializationWeaver.
(677960) - Windows Store Apps: Build&Run disabled when using Unity CSharp projects.
(657751) - Windows Store Apps: Mouse presence now is detected by mouse activity, which is much more reliable.
(647126) - WWW: Fixed incorrect HTTP status 100 when POST data was relatively large.
Merci de lire et de prendre en considération la Nétiquette des Forums avant de poster un sujet !

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Messages : 1367
Inscription : 19 Sep 2013 05:50

Re: Unity 4.6

Message par LudlowFx » 10 Avr 2015 15:23

Nouveau Patch disponible : 4.6.4p2 http://unity3d.com/unity/qa/patch-releases

Animation: Better formatting of the error message when animation events are fired (i.e: "oldWrappedTime > newWrappedTime") .
(655263) - Android: Fixed crash in Mono caused by invocation of wrong method.
(675681) - Android: Fixed Auto target graphics mode on devices which think they support ES 3.0 without proper hardware.
(681257) - iOS/Android: Fix crash with MSAA depth render textures.
(675659) - iOS/IL2CPP: Cast non-pointer references types to System.Object for comparison in conditional statements.
iOS/IL2CPP: Additional code size improvements from generic sharing:
Share enums and their base types as generic parameters.
Allow partial sharing (e.g. Dictionary<int, string> is shared with Dictionary<int,object>).
Allow sharing when the type parameter constraint is an interface.
(670888) - iOS/IL2CPP: Use the Size field of the StructLayout attribute to pad marshaled types if necessary. This allows Marshal.SizeOf to return the correct value for these types.
(669983) - iOS/IL2CPP: Allow thread-local static fields to work correctly in generic classes. Specifically, this corrects the Parse SDK crash in 4.6.4p1.
(686153) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fix an infinite recursion when constructing generic type.
(686028) - iOS/IL2CPP: Do not write extern declarations inside p/invoke wrappers for methods that return a class or delegate.
(684417) - iOS/IL2CPP: Use the proper type for the result of the IL sub opcode.
(685735) - iOS/IL2CPP: Correct an InvalidCastException that can occur when setting an array value.
(672812) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed crash in some cases when accessing an enum inside a generic class.
(682428) - Physics: 2D physics will now give deterministic results on the same device when entering play-mode in the editor.
(564484) - Rendering: Fixed crash when reading font's metadata for a font without style info.
(681245) - Windows Store Apps:Touch position will be correctly transformed when SwapChainPanel doesn't occupy full screen.
(684092) - WebPlayer: Fix crash when when elementType was queried from uninitialized elementClass.
(680421) - Scripting: Allow a component which derives from a type in UnityEngine.UI and is built in a custom assembly to be used in the project.
(677604) - Shaders: Fixed vector_insert_TODO appearing in some shaders (GLSL/Metal).
(685794) - Shaders: Fixed loop generation (GLSL/Metal).
(681829) - Mecanim: Fixed FBX import not supporting both blend shapes and boned animation in the same file by upgrading FBX SDK to 2015.
(664949) - Mecanim: Fixed different behaviours of negative scale of animations in 4.5 and 4.6.
(679079) - Windows Store Apps: Fixed deadlock when resizing window.
Merci de lire et de prendre en considération la Nétiquette des Forums avant de poster un sujet !


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