Pack de scripts pour noobs

Pour tous les débutants sur Unity, Unity Spain propose un pack de scripts pour Unity 3D en 2 versions :

-une version light dans laquelle vous aurez un petit package

-une version advanced à 3$ qui contient des scripts plus évolués dont vous pouvez voir une démo. Je copie-colle le descriptif du contenu :

Advanced ScriptPack Contains 10 fully functional scripts commented in Spanish and English for better code understanding:

• Follow Player: this script make the enemy follow you, and, hurts your player if is in a certain distance

• Bidimensional Control in 3D:Similar to Bidimensional control in the noob
scriptpack, but the diference is the character rotates to the position that moves
when changes the direction that moves. ideal for 3D games with 2D gameplay

• Camera Movement:this is an RTS camera Script, you can move , zoom and rotate the camera.

• ClickandGo2: this is « the point and click » gameplay control script. ideal for RPGs and Graphic Adventures.

• Rocket Move: This script let you control the player like a spacecraft in 2D

• TridimensionalCharacterRotation:this script is an FPSwalker « ADDON » that makes the object look to the way that it moves.

• EmitPropulsor:This script emit particles and flick a light when you push certain button.

• Simple Arcade Title Screen: an arcade start menu script with flickering text (« pres start button » stile).

• Continous Collision-Instance: this scripts let you instantiate continuosly objects (sparks per example).

• DestroyOnCollide-Advanced: This script let you instantiate different types of objects when an object collides(decals, explosions, chunks, particles…). Ideal for all types of proyectiles and more.

Celà vous permettra de mieux comprendre la logique de Unity sans vous perdre sur des détails parfois perturbants.



bla bla bla

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